Saturday, December 30, 2000
my complaint about the mini-disc is that you have to register to use it (it said so, anyway. maybe i'm just gullible). i hate registering my software products. i don't want those people knowing where i live.
b) i wasn't just a floor associate, i was a Department Manager too, which meant that i could take some paperwork to the lounge and "look it over" for about three hours with no consequences.
i know i shouldn't torture the wal-mart people, but it's so much fun sometimes.
Friday, December 29, 2000
bah! i say! bah! bah! bahbahbahbahbahbahbahbah!!!!
on the Weird Happenings front today:
- i stopped by walmart this afternoon to pick up a few things. while waiting in line, i see a guy with an empty cart get into line for the next register over. he finally gets to the cashier, and asks "How much?"
she was perplexed (as was i) and asked back 'For the cart?' this set the man off.
"No!" he says, raising his voice. "For the wheat! I've got four goddamned bushels of wheat. How much?!"
luckily for the cashier, she didn't have to deal with him. a sheriff's deputy standing at the front door handled the situation.
but, just for kicks, if any of you are in the Wal-Mart Supercenter at 81st and Lewis in Tulsa, look for the cashier named Rhondea (spelled just like that), go through her line, and ask her how much the wheat costs. then, pretend that you didn't say anything about wheat, that you'd just asked how she was doing or something. suggest she seek psychiatric help.
[i stole this link from Jean]
Thursday, December 28, 2000
Wednesday, December 27, 2000
- President Clinton has signed legislation starting a 30-year, $7.8 billion effort to revive Florida's dying Everglades wetlands. What is most significant about this bill?
- Bill features a provision that guarantees Clinton a ride up front in one of those really awesome swamp boats with the big fans.
- 90 percent of the $7.8 billion goes towards construction of the all-new Everglades Outlet Mall and Food Court.
- Legislation was ruthlessly opposed by Jan Brady, who argued that America "only cares about the marshes! Marshes, marshes, marshes!"
[link borrowed from My Bong Runs Linux]
Tuesday, December 26, 2000
i am home. i am safe. i am tired. i need a good nap, but then i won't sleep tonight and i have to work tomorrow.
adventures galore on the snow and ice, but i still hate cold weather.
my mother made out like a bandit this year. not only did she receive loads of gifts from everyone, but between her co-workers, my sister's Floridian churchmates, and my grandparents, she went home with $1400 cash to help recover from the house fire. generous and touching gifts like that led to joyful tears all around.
Friday, December 22, 2000
A seven-year-old boy from Tasmania, Australia, pulled out all of his teeth with pliers. The reason? He wanted the tooth fairy to come and leave him enough money to buy a Britney Spears CD.and...Puffy this year claimed to be part Irish: "My name is Sean Coombs," he said, "so there's definitely an Irish connection there." Eejit.
and since Buffy's been mentioned, f.y.i., TVGuide named Buffy one of the top ten shows of the year, and mentioned the whole Bad-Ass-Who-Turns-To-Mush-When-Buffy's-Around Spike.
Thursday, December 21, 2000
i'm going to hell for posting that link.
growing up is over rated. i tried it for a while, but it sucked, so i regressed. it left its scars though.
i'm glad you dance to the Powerpuff Girls song, i'm glad you own more toys than both of my nephews combined, i'm glad you watch Saturday morning cartoons. if you'd turned into one of those old fogies like nearly everyone else we went to high school did, we'd have some serious problems. and my life would be much emptier for it.
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
additionally, i left the television on last night, and i woke up to Simon and Simon. not a pleasant experience.
Monday, December 18, 2000
silly, naive Rich. it has nothing to do with democracy. we have troops there because some shadowy level of our government knows that, in that particular area, there are powerful demons bound to subterreanean prisons by ancient wards that are being weakened by some unknown force. that unknown force is also responsible for all the violence and bloodshed, as it's stinking taint corrupts everyone who lives in the area too long.
democracy be damned. we're trying to stop an ancient evil from conquering the Balkans.
and take a look at the runners up (runner ups?), a.k.a, People Who Mattered (that's what they called it, not me). Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak are both named for not negotiating peace. Eminem is named for....? i'm not sure. and Richard Hatch, for getting naked, i guess. Elian Gonzalez, for just existing.
there are some real choices, like Vicente Fox, Kofi Annan, and John McCain, but all the other names are dubious. they seem more like the nominees of entertainment magazines than for a serious (and respected) news magazine. maybe Time and AOL are a better match than previously believed.
Saturday, December 16, 2000
the McD's Coffee Woman is a different matter. she shouldn't have won a dime, because she did something stupid that she should have known better than to do, thus she caused her own injuries. the reporter was injured because of someone else's (the driver's or the equipment operator's) negligence or incompetence, and someone else's (the manufacturer's and employer's) negligence or shortsightedness. in addition to losing her forearm, her foreleg, and part of the remaining foot, she probably also lost her career, Miss Crawford County or not.
[update 6/02/05 - embarrassed to admit, but my denunciation of the McDonald's Coffee Woman was unjustedfied. In the few years since I'd written that, I've actually read something about the case instead of listening to repeated tales from other people]
"cool! i should be able to get finished before anything bad gets here," i thought to myself. i take a look out the window, and the sky's overcast and it's snowing!
so much for the Weather Channel.
Friday, December 15, 2000
please, Pierce, won't you stay? i'll give you a shiny quarter if you do!
- All Dogs Christmas Carol --if it has Scooby Doo, Scooby Dumb, Scooby Dee, Scappy Doo, and Astro, it might be interesting.
- Angel of Pennsylvania Avenue --Hillary?
- The Bear Who Slept Through Christmas --don't most of them?
- Like Father, Like Santa --starring Kirk Cameron and Dudley Moore?
- Munster's Scary Little Christmas --you know this is lame
- The Last Polar Bears --is this an apocalyptic film?
on the other hand, there are some shows that i'd like to see:
- The Nightmare Before Christmas --this should be a Christmas Classic
- A Wish For Wings That Work -- good any time of the year
- A Muppet Christmas Carol --the best telling of a holiday classic
- Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire --ok, i just want to see this because the credits list Robbie Williams first, and i want to see if it's this Robbie Williams, or just someone with the same name. if it's the latter (or, if it's animated, which it probably is), then move this one up to my Crap list.
this time though, there was a tiny, female voice on the other end: 'this is So-and-So with Telecommunications. i'm having some trouble with the line.. it's not going where i want. i'm sorry!'
i felt bad. for all of half a second. she should have told me that the first time. i wouldn't have been so irritated.
on another (but possibly related) note:
my milk tasted a little funny this morning, so i didn't drink it. that may be contributing to my irritability. that, and the fact that i came to work early. so overall, i'm just not a pleasant person today.
(and why am i still having trouble linking to your posts?)
Thursday, December 14, 2000
armed with the knowledge of Pooh and Friend's various psychological, neurological, and sociological problems, i have been able to determine that my friends and i resemble Pooh and Co. most uncannily.
[link from Arcanum_5 on WW forums]
yes! maybe i won't have to feel bad when he comes over on wednesday nights.
speaking of mikey, he came over last night with a couple of days of beard growth. grr! he looked sexy! but he's not keeping it. ::sigh::
i'm Willow-esque, which i can accept, except for that whole dating-a-woman thing:
We've said it before and we'll say it again: You're the coolest friend a person could have. You're smart, loyal, cool, and an awesome dresser! You're always up for helping out, are sensitive of other people's feelings, and don't' even let those nerd-like tendencies of yours get in the way of your social life. You've got the balanced-life thing down to a science. And that is so cool. We totally dig it. Our only problem with you is that sometimes you're so busy being a good friend you don't let yourself get the attention you deserve! You're a star in your own right. Take credit for it once in a while. Don't get made up like girl-next-door Reese Witherspoon. Go for the bold Lucy Liu look once in a while! Your friends won't mind - if they're as good friends to you as you are to them. It's your turn to shine!
so what does everyone think? should i try the Lucy Liu look?
"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening to repetitive music."
[from the popbitch newsletter]
"you Oklahomans don't know how to drive on snow," he says to me as he's shoveling the snow around his stuck-in-the-snow truck. strangely, though i'm stupid, I didn't get stuck anywhere.
also, motherfucker, you're an Oklahoman too. the only places you have ever lived were:
- here in Tulsa, with your parents
- here in Tulsa, 3 miles from your parents (in a house they bought for you, i might add. they must have wanted you out of their house really badly. prick)
i'm irritable this this morning. because of the snow, i couldn't get my chocolate milk, and Jeanie's not at work.
ho hum. Jeanie! where are you?!?
i shouldna got out of bed this morning.
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
afterward, of course, you'd have been unable to write about meeting Sabretooth.
i followed the link to Tyler Mane's website, and took a look at his Projects section. i didn't know that Mr. Mane is a veteran of the musical theatre:
[Tyler Mane] drew strong reviews as the lead role of Dean Rebel in the San Diego Repertory production of a wrestling musical entitled 'Turbo Tanzi'
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
i hate snow.
i'm fairly sure that i'd rather go to school than to work. i'm even surer that i'd rather not have to do either when it's been snowing.
if it snows here tonight like it's supposed to, i won't be coming to work tomorrow. i'll make sure i can't make it. i will slide my car of the road if need be. i will claim that the snow is much heavier on my side of town. whatever it takes. i want another day off. for once, i want to actually call in and say, "i can't make it today. there's too much snow."
i loved that game. you and 5 others could play at the same time on a double screen, each player with a different character. they all had their own moves and mutant powers (they gave Colossus an energy spark power... wtf?). i was a master at the "Dazzler Light Ball Slamdunk" and the "Dazzler Cartwheel Grab-n-Throw". i could make it through all the levels, beat all the mini-bosses (like the Blob, Juggernaut, White Queen, and Mystique), then kick Magneto's ass, without using mutant powers, on a single play.
i spent many, many hours of many, many nights of my freshman year playing that game. it was the single biggest reason that i almost never made to my Russian and Political Science classes.
i miss Dazzler.
Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics
when he was in town last weekend for his father's funeral, he'd called the station to play one of their little games, and was entered in the drawing for that damned scooter. he'd given them my address and phone number. and he won. bitch.
that link led me to search for hypnogogic hallucinations and sleep paralysis both something i suffer from frequently.
when i was a child, i was a sleepwalkerer. i don't think i do that anymore though.
something i do still do, and often, is a hypnic jerk, a.k.a. sleep jerk or sleep start (i've also seen it called something like 'onclonic jerk' but i can't seem to find anything about that now). everything i read on hypnic jerk says it happens once a night, just before you go to sleep. it happens to me multiple times nightly, and it's usually accompanied by a short (15 or 20 seconds) nightmare-type episode, and it doesn't involve a feeling of falling or anything like that.
anyway, all of that is just a long introduction to this:
i love the word somniloquy (something else i used to do alot as a child).
you'd think that, after 6 months, he'd know that there are certain nights-- no, not even that-- certain shows that i watch, and i cannot be separated from the tv. exactly 5 and a half hours worth every week. he's not much into sci-fi, and that covers half of my viewing period. instead of finding something else to do, though, he sits there with me and watches it.
yeah yeah, it sounds sweet that he's watching something he doesn't like just because i want to see it, but it's not. it's torturous. i feel bad that he's watching something he doesn't like and has no interest in, so i'm distracted from the show and can't enjoy it. until he says something like "they should just cancel X-Files since David Duchovny's not on there anymore," or "they should just blow up Voyager. there's never gonna make it home."
i think he does it intentionally, just to get my hackles up and get me talking. he enjoys seeing me get all worked up about something insignificant. but it's just not nice, because then i miss something that may have been important to the show.
i think i need to start taping X-Files and Voyager, and then watching them everytime he comes over. he'd eventually tire of all the sci-fi, and maybe he'd just go to sleep whenever something good is on. or maybe he'd start coming over on the nights when i watch no television. or maybe he'd start getting into the shows, want to watch them all the time, and i'd get sick of them.
Monday, December 11, 2000
[thanks to Max (i think that's the name) for the news]
the good news for me is that the parking lot is about half empty. i should have much less work to do today than i normally would, not that i ever have much to do anyway.
Friday, December 08, 2000
he couldn't go down to the bar because there were too many fans? when did they start letting 15 year old girls into bars?
my theory: he couldn't go down to the bar because he knew he'd get his ass kicked, because EVERYONE who isn't a 15 year old girl would love to kick the crap out of a Backstreet Boy. or two. or five.
[link snatched from this guy]
someone at Marvel should die for that, a long painful, gorey death. there's only one Dazzler, as SHE sure as hell isn't Warren's uncle.
Thursday, December 07, 2000
i should have tried harder though with Brian. but you'll meet him. i promise.
by and by, did i mention that i know Rich through Brian? that's close, isn't it?
sounds like something i'd want to see. hooray for Sundance!
thanks to this guy for the link.
link via Web Queeries
Wednesday, December 06, 2000
oh yeah, i stole the link from this guy.
oh! how rude of me. Jean, meet Rich. there, now everyone who bothers to read my blog knows each other.
since i work with people who aren't overly computer savvy, i think it's more likely that the person changed his or her password and forgot what he or she changed it to.
i seriously doubt that some Hacker is going to take the time to break in, figure out someone's password, do whatever Evil Things it is that a Hacker would do at TVGuide, then change the Victim's password, thus tipping off everyone that a Hacker was there.
it's so frustrating working with people who can't think.
Tuesday, December 05, 2000
The Naked Dancing Llama Homepage
Henry Lim's LEGO Sculptures. [link ganked from Ernie who pilferred it from Ritchie]
- pokemon. i love pokemon, especially Gengar. but i'll deny it to anyone who asks.
- tiramisu. tiramisme? yes, tiramisu!
- Paul and Jan Crouch. not even Paul so much as his crack-whore partner on their gold-plated set, crying and begging for people to send money to Jesus, via the Crouches. they piss me off royally, but there's just something fascinating about watching the crack-whore cry all the time.
- Celine Dion. some of her music actually. yes, i am ashamed.
- Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. more specifically, wishing i could wear the cat-wear and look as good as she did.
"one of the top-grossing comedies of the year [this year]."
whew! that's like saying "my right hand is one of the most useful hands on my body." it really doesn't mean anything, does it?
and that's good, because that movie fucking sucked! yes, there were some funny scenes, and a few funny lines, but the whole damned movie revolved around fart jokes! a few such jokes can be humorous, but when a significant portion of your movie relies on them, then your movie fucking sucks, fucking sucks, fucking sucks! sequels often don't live up to the original, and The Klumps is no exception, falling far short, but come on! i didn't think that highly of the first one! how hard could it be!
another night of not sleeping well.
on top of being tired, it's hard for me to pay attention to what i'm supposed to be doing. since getting to work today, i have checked my email, and learned some more about tables and frames, and cleaned up a few mistakes i made in this. sounds semi-productive, i know, but my boss would disagree.
i want a nap. but since i can't take one, i'm going to have to pledge to myself that i WILL take something to help me sleep tonight so i can be all fresh and perky tomorrow.
Monday, December 04, 2000
The Daily Guerrilla Journal (from November 1999)
- Recovering alcoholic and former cocaine addict George W. Bush is complaining bitterly about the "ambush questions" he was asked last week by a television news reporter concerning the names of four foreign heads of state. Bush knew only one (Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui), and looked like a deer in the headlights as he demonstrated his lack of knowledge about world events. But later, when asked how many grams are in an ounce, Bush perked up, immediately answering "twenty-eight."
that cracked me up.
it's only three pages so far, but i'm already interested in seeing more. plus, the art is fabulous.
dammit! i said it! at least this deserves it.
although i've read part of the novel, and seen the first move, i won't say anything about Dune and ruin it for you. mainly because i was never sure about what was going on.
i just didn't get that whole "reactor-core-meltdown-destroys-the-last-of the-resistence-and-everyone-dies" thing.
just kidding, Jean.
i was faced with a difficult decision last night. in the end, i chose X-Files and Queer as Folk over Dune, partly because my two previous attempts at understanding the whole Dune thing didn't quite work out, and partly [mainly] because, once X-Files came on, i didn't even think about it.
for those who didn't see QAF:
- the soundtrack was great.
- i'm hoping they do something to fix the Brian character's personality, like train the actor to act.
- the comic-book-reading, semi-geeky, sort-of-cute, career-in-retail Michael character sounds like ...::ahem::... someone i used to know.
- and Sharon Gless was faboo! (sorry, i just couldn't bring myself to say 'fabulous!'). now we just need Tyne to show up.
i'm so tired that i didn't even think to stop reading it, though i care nothing for horse racing. or any other sport for that matter.
Sunday, December 03, 2000
"You look really good in dim light" is not a compliment.
Friday, December 01, 2000
Thursday, November 30, 2000
i now have two $5 TVGBucks now, and if i save up one more, i can get a TVGuide Coffee Mug! woo hooo!
kind of reminds me of those silly ZAPP cards i used to give out for free drinks at wal-mart for things like "Because it's hot" or "Great shoes!"

this is Gengar
last night, i had a dream. in my dream, i owned a little rubber squeeky Gengar. he was rubbery, and when you squeezed him, he squeeked. but someone stole my Gengar, and he wouldn't give him back. finally, i caught the guy and confronted him.
"Give me Gengar!" i shouted.
he threw my squeeky Gengar at me and hit me in the head. i didn't like that. so i opened my mouth and did to him what Godlanna Morrisette did to Ben Affleck in Dogma. his head caved in and his heart exploded, and i got my Gengar. then my alarm went off. now, i want a rubber squeeky Gengar.
was it me, or did she, in bounty hunter guise, make an appearance on Voyager last night?
cool episode though. i was really pissed at Janeway for her stance on Hologram rights. but at the end, i was pissed that she didn't do something nasty to the Doctor to punish him. would have served him right.
mikey has no opinion on the subject. all he knows is that i made him sit through a total of 3 hours of Voyager last night.
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
but to have people calling to find out what happened to me, people sending plants and cards to my mom, which i could then take home for myself.
then show up somewhere that lots of people know me and think i'm dead, and i'd claim i had amnesia. just like on As the World Turns when Craig disappeared in that planecrash off the coast of Greece.
of course, that happened something like 14 years ago. i can't believe i still remember that, but can't remember my mom's phone number.
loved the gratuitous Spike appearance (wait! this episode doesn't have Spike in it anywhere. quick, stick him in somewhere!)
Angel... no shirt.... grrrr! oh yeah, that Darla acceptance of her humanity and adventing death thing was cool too. who knew having a soul could be so nice.
Tuesday, November 28, 2000
i don't speak Spanish. i could fake it, but i'm already doing that with the my English-language work.
what the hell is he thinking?
i don't think i'll be able to learn (or relearn, actually) Spanish in a week, which is when he needs someone.
but maybe i should try to fake my way through it. bilinguists are paid more than monolinguists. i just hope no one is counting on TVGuide en Espanol to be accurate.
MTV rebroadcasted the premiere episode of The Real World: N'awlins, so Mikey made me watch. i can't really complain about that since i make him sit through Buffle Night with me, and often through the X-Files. i didn't know this episode of TRW was 2 (maybe more) hours long though. i stayed up way past my bedtime to watch a bunch of whiney kids whine about how difficult it is to be Them. boo hoo hoo. and fuck off.
it's a good thing the supermarket had my milk this morning. otherwise, i'd be in a bad mood.
Monday, November 27, 2000
porn stars do not neccessarily make good dancers/strippers
thank you for your attention.
hehehe. not really. i was just too cheap to risk the money.
but i seriously did pick those three numbers correctly, and those were the only three i tried. three for three. i think that makes me a psychic. so send me your questions, along with an item that you have carried with you. strangely, large denominations of cash would work best for this.
for entertainment purposed only.
i don't know why things like that crack me up so much. i'm such a geek.
this cracked me up too. [link swiped from Impudite]
Wednesday, November 22, 2000
i love that show.
"Dr. Smith in Lost in Space was the closest thing to a gay character on TV. He was so faggy! You could tell he was gay because every time Will Robinson bent over, the robot would say, 'Danger, Will Robinson!' "
for anyone interested in the upcoming Americanized Queer as Folk, Showtime has some video clips up for viewing. my favorite is "Comfort Food."
Mikey missed Buffy, and most of Angel. he rang the doorbell just as Angel was chowing down on Kate. i made him wait outside.
you know, the snake beast in Buffy looked better than the ones in Xena and Hercules. i'm proud of them.
Tuesday, November 21, 2000
it's really cool when someone you know has their name in print as an author in a magazine. congrats again, Jean.
Monday, November 20, 2000
i called her yesterday. we had a good talk for a while. my father has agreed to let her see my little brother. so we were talking about that, and she told me that he's in high school now. his voice has changed. he plays football. i haven't seen him in almost 4 years. my father won't let me see him. i cried. i hate my father.
"i need to have my tire replaced."
"ok. which one?"
"the front left side."
"uh..." eyes beginning to glaze as he tries to puzzle this out.
"the front driver's side."
"front... driver's... side... ok..."
"are you sure you're a mechanic? for cars, i mean?"
Sunday, November 19, 2000
when you set your VCR timer to record a program on WB19, remember that, on the cable line-up, WB19 moved to channel 12.
you know what. this page looks really cool on my new moniter. i upgraded from a 13 inch to a 19 inch. woo hoo for me! Diablo II is kick ass on a screen this size.
Friday, November 17, 2000
someone mentioned that Dr. Suess should have written the Constitution:
A perfect Union people seek,
to get some Justice and some sleep,
provide for defense, Welfare too,
secure the Blessings for every Who.
but they've changed it now. maybe Comedy Central's attorneys sent a strongly worded letter to ABC. whatever the reason, they're now calling it "A Nation Waits 2000." it's not as clever as stealing someone's trademark, but hey, they had short notice.
but really, is the nation waiting? does anyone really care about all this? are we sitting at home wondering, worrying, and anticipating? nope. whether it's voter apathy, cultural apathy, or just that people don't realize the historocity and potential consequences of all this, noone cares. go home. leave us alone.
Thursday, November 16, 2000
the Elder Son did something to help out a schoolmate and was rewarded with a joint. at least that's what i think happened. i'm a little fuzzy on it. the only thing i'm sure about is that his buddy gave him a joint. for some reason, the son took it home where he promptly lost the joint at the front door. later, mom (Dr. Gillian Taylor) finds it and puts it in her top dresser drawer. don't ask me why.
Middle Daughter decides she needs a scarf for her outfit, but where to find one...? you guessed it. Dr. Taylor's top dresser drawer! so she goes and tells older sister that she found a joint in mom's drawer. now, they think mom's a pothead, which probably isn't far from the truth anyway.
that evening, mom tells dad that she found the joint. dad's pissed. he confronts the kids. the kids say "it's mom's!" she says she found it. finally, Elder Son says he brought it home. dad freaks. dad yells. dad jumps to conclusions. dad insults Elder Son with a personal attack. dad judges Elder Son without even bothering to get the facts or Elder Son's side of the story. dad is a preacher. dad is not a good reflection on Christians. Younger Son is upset that his hero, Elder Son, is a pothead. he runs from the room. boo hoo hoo. Elder Son runs from the house. boo hoo hoo.
mom and dad discuss in oh-so-melodramatic terms. they try to be someones the kids can trust (well demonstrated by the way they jumped all over Elder Son just minutes before). they talked to their kids about Drugs (probably true, but i think they should try saying something other than, 'Pass me the blunt', or 'Lay out a couple of lines'). they just can't believe this is happening in their house (yet, they were so quick to believe it about Elder Son). they're worried.
they decide to leave the house. but do they go searching for Elder Son, whom they claim to be so worried about? nope. they go to church. but, suprise!, Elder Son is there too, crying and praying. apparently, everyone in that family has a key to the church. mom and dad listen, and hear Elder Son tell God that he swears he's never smoked pot and that it was stupid for him to bring the joint home. at no time does he say that he would never, or that he didn't intend to smoke that joint. just that he hadn't yet smoked.
but that's enough for mom and dad. they reveal themselves. they hug. cut to gratuitous shot of a tear streaking down dad's face, complete with pained, guilty expression. they hug again. Elder Son is crying. dad is crying. mom is not. apparently, she's not too impressed with any of this. they all turn to leave, and dad says "We're gonna be ok."
that pissed me off. after everything they'd just done to their Elder Son, everything goes back to normal just because dad cried. please! he didn't even fucking apologize! he'd insulted his son! he'd said to him "Is that why you can keep a job?" like Elder Son would just forget that! dad had just revealed how disappointed he is about the job thing, and he said something really hurtful. is Elder Son going to trust him again? apparently so. that's how things work in that family. i wish my family could have always resolved big emotionally hurtful things in under an hour.
i really hate that show.
Wednesday, November 15, 2000
in the dream, i'm always somehow present at the investigation of a murder, often as an investigater with the police. last night, i was a reporter for a newspaper, and just happened to arrive at the scene before the police. every adult in the town was dead, but there was no trace of any children.
usually, i stumble upon something rather out of place... a carnival or circus. within one of the tents, all of the towns children are being held in thrall by a supernaturally evil clown. through the rest of the dream, i investigate the circus, discover the clowns weakness, and free the children. several are killed along the way, more dead adults are found, the clown is fucking scarey... it's a nightmare. but i prevail.
last night, in the dream, i knew that i was in a dream, and that i had dreamed it before many times. i already knew where to find the children and how to free them, so i cut out all the investigation and went straightaway to free the children. the clown didn't like that. he physically attacked me himself, which he's never done before. he chased me through the town, to where the police were still investigating. he killed them all, in gruesome, horrible ways. he continued chasing me, wounding me, and scaring the hell out of me. he began killing the children. he nearly killed me. then i woke up.
i couldn't sleep for a while afterwards, then i didn't sleep well once i got back to sleep.
i went to run errands at lunch. at 61st and Yale, there was a clown standing on the corner, holding a sign. he didn't look like the one from my dream but he still freaked me out. i hate clowns.
in the end, Spike comforted her, even though she was so mean to him. cool Spike.
Spike looks good in his Billy Idol-esque gear. and i loved the Jive Momma Slayer! she was cool! i'm thinking spin-off!
Spike should get his own spin-off too.
Spike didn't look good in this geeky-poet gear. hated the hair. and the glasses. and the poetry. but it shows that he has a sensative side. sweet.
Willow, Whats-Her-Name and Who's-His-Face all cracked me up. i liked the built in Ruffles commercial.
Angel was ok. he pissed me off. just after telling Mikey that'd i've never seen Angel smile, they cut to the past and he's all smiles and laughter.
i think, though, the flashback thingie fell flat for Angel. it was interesting to see what had happened between him and Darla, but it was just details. there really wasn't much more there than what you could get from the statement "We were together for 150 years." in the end, it seemed unneccessary.
Mikey likes Buffy better than Angel. he thinks Angel is much too big for his tastes. he'd rather see Spike naked.
Mikey's turning into a Spike fan. i don't think i'll have any trouble getting him to come over on Tuesday nights.
Tuesday, November 14, 2000
Profile: You live in the oceans of South America, and your diet consists mostly of TV dinners, cows and water.
Characteristics: You can shoot slime. You have a cell phone. You can eat poison. You have a sequined jumpsuit. You can puke hot death. You can shoot wind. You can throw sand.
Natural Enemies: Drowlock.
find out who you're inner pokemon is! (link pilfered from her)
i watched Roswell last night. i don't think it's something i'm gonna be able to get into, despite the cute, big-eared alien guy. the story just didn't interest me, and the special effects where a bit on the cheesey side. i guess i'm spoiled now, but i want good fx.
however, Roswell was infinitely better than 7th Heaven. talk about some cheese! i was embarrasssed for Catherine Hicks. no wonder she wanted to go to the future with Kirk. if i had a family like that, i'd go too. or get into cannibalism.
but if i did have that family, and my daughter spoke to me that way... well, i certainly wouldn't be as understanding about how stressful the little girl's homework assignment is.
Monday, November 13, 2000
it reminded me of elementary school. when they'd turn out the lights, you had to put your head down on your desk and be quiet.
naptime sounds sooo good right now.
Aw, shit!
"I need to see your liscense please." I hand it to him.
"I stopped you for a vehicular speed violation of 85 in a 75."
Sincere suprise
Scibble, scribble. Tear. Ka-ching! $90 more dollars gone.
"Here you go. Slow it down."
"Yes, sir." grumbling under the breath
"Thank you."
Piss off.
Saturday, November 11, 2000
Feigned suprise. "I was?"
"Yes, is there a reason you were driving so fast?"
"Well, I was singing. I guess I stopped paying attention to how fast I was driving."
"Singing? What were you singing?"
"'I'll Cover You.'"
Quizical brow.
"It's a showtune."
"Ah. Well, sir, this two mile stretch of I-44 in Missouri has had more deaths on it in the last two years than any other highway..."
Begin the half hour lecture about the statistics, causes and effects of accidents on this stretch of road, and pointing out the cemetery a quarter mile up the road that I can't see because it's 10:00p.m.
Finally it ends.
"Here you go, sir." He hands me a $130 ticket. :Be carefull, and have a good night."
Friday, November 10, 2000
nearly a year ago, on the Aberrant forum at, a great controversy began because a new book had been released that revealed that Divis Mal, most powerful Nova on earth, is gay. people were having little fits, posting on a thread called "Divis Mal is gay? What the fuck!!" where they argued that he couldn't posiibly be gay because he's the most powerful Nova. the inanity of that point wore on as people argued about it.
it frustrated me. it was stupid to argue it that way. if you want to argue about the morality of homosexuality, that's one thing, but to argue that a powerful and important character in a role-playing game couldn't possibly be gay because he is powerful and important is just idiotic. and not idiotic in a geeky fan-boy kind of way. just idiotic.
so, immediately following that thread, i began another called "Divis Mal has arms? What the fuck!!", the argument, of course, being that he couldn't possibly be the most powerful character because he has arms, and that he is a freak for it. just as inane as the thread preceding it.
now it's a running joke on the forum. every once in a while, somone posts that they are an Armed freak or a normal Armless person, and it begins a faux "armophobic" argument. it's fun.
now though, the "i have arms!" declaration has moved beyond the forums and into the real world. it's becoming a running joke, not only among non-Aberrant players, but among non-gamers too.
i'm like a proud papa. i've given birth to a little bit of geekdom. er- or would that make me a proud mama? anyway, i've decided that it will probably be my only lasting contribution to the world.
i got a little postcard in the mail a couple of days ago from a wrecker service in Vinita, OK. they just wanted to remind me that the Oklahoma Highway Patrol had my vehicle in storage after it was towed there when my car broke down on I-44 on October 29th.
strangely, i don't remember my vehicle breaking down in Vinita. even stranger, i drove my vehicle to work this morning, yesterday morning, the morning before that... in fact, every weekday morning since late September. before that, i was driving it to work in the evenings. so why do they think they have my vehicle in storage?
i think i should have someone drive me to Vinita, and i'll stop by that place and say "I'm here to pick up my car." i wonder what they'd do.
Thursday, November 09, 2000
*Biopsy Playhouse.
*Let's Have Beef Tonight
*Big Ethnic Family
*Gardener Guerilla
Tim and Brian are celebrating Tim's birthday this weekend. i wasn't sure if i wanted to go (it is a long drive, after all), but now i've talked about White Castle, and the snow is here, and i don't really have anything else to do.
besides, it means free food all weekend. that alone is reason enough to go.
but, i've been able to do some tweaking to the blog. actually, jean's doing the tweaking. i'm just copying and pasting. but my blog isn't ugly now, and that's what's important.
and i'm learning new things too.
Um, sweetie? Don't be offended, but, you've got an ugly-ass blog.
she goes on to say:
...since I was bored, I took the liberty of making up a template for your blog.
she's so sweet. :)
actually, she is. i'm all giddy as a school girl after seeing the template.
i love you, jeanie!
Wednesday, November 08, 2000
i think it's the latter. i need to go out and frighten some children or something.
people are allowed to show up anytime between 7 and 9:30, as long as we're working our 8 hours. we can take lunch whenever we want, take breaks whenever we want, and as often as we feel is neccessary. where's the uniformity there?
if they make us all take lunch at the same time, i'll quit. the reason i took a permanent position here was because of the flexibility. i can avoid everyone else in my department without too much of a problem. take that away from me and i have no reason to stay here.
Laughing at the dead... links
Kung fu grip!
Tuesday, November 07, 2000
"I'm not a eunuch." Angel cracks me up. and the whining British guy is starting to grow on me. i didn't know he could kick butt!
but Buffy was cool. i'm addicted to Spike, and his brief 3 lines per episode. and who's the whore that he's with? it sucks when you start watching a show when it's in it's 5th season.
the only election related things today will be these:
1) i already voted. i woke up early, so i did it before work. but it's not because i'm patriotic or anything. it's because...
2) my boss doesn't know about #1, so i'm taking off early today to "go vote". in this case, voter apathy is a good thing, as companies such as the one for which i work encourage us to vote by letting us leave early.
that being said, i'll say one more thing. i love the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous. it was on Starz last night, so i watched, even though i already own the video. Kirstie Allie is hilarious! along the same lines, i watched Jawbreaker too. i liked it.
Monday, November 06, 2000
Gengar cursors on an Magneto wallpaper with icons derived from Wraith: the Oblivion (from White Wolf). it's an interesting mix on my desktop.
even worse is when he looks at you and you can tell that he knows you too, but from the perplexed look on your face, he knows that you don't remember who he is.
that's why everyone should wear little tags specifying where i know them from. that way, whenever i run into someone i'm not sure about, i can demand to see the tag.
some people are excused, as i'm pretty sure about where i know them from (like my family, and Jeanie and Tessy). everyone else has to wear them though.
"I've never been a long-term planner about anything. I have lived my life with more of a short-term focus."
—George W. Bush quoted in Texas Monthly
that alone is enough of a reason to vote against Bush. why would we want a President who can't see anything beyond his 4 years in office (believe me, if he is elected, people will see what kind of an idiot he is. he won't win a second term). i realize that he's in his 50's, but he still has a couple of decades ahead of him. i'm 26. i have another 50 to 75 years left. i'm a little less concerned about the next 5 years than i am about the next 25.
i'm not saying that everyone should vote for Gore. i'm saying vote against Bush. there are other, better experienced, better prepared candidates out there. choose one.
Friday, November 03, 2000
usually, after eating, i crave one, but not today! hooray for me!
people, i'm in there at least twice a day. i know most of you by name, and i know what you drive (unless you don't drive, but then, i know which path you take to walk home). think on that for a moment.
i want my milk to be there every day.
thanks for you attention.
Thursday, November 02, 2000
i'll finally be able to get all that porn of my harddrive.
had dinner with my mom and her man, and with mikey. it was fun. my mom cracks me up. she also gave me the sweetest card.
after dinner, mikey and i went back to my place where we promptly fell asleep in front of the television.
eating and sleeping. a good way to spend a birthday.
Wednesday, November 01, 2000
Tuesday, October 31, 2000
i got out to my car this morning and discovered that i'd locked myself out of it. brilliant of me, eh? but here's what's even smarter: my spare key for the car is in one of those little magnetic boxes inside the car, on the console. lot of good that does me.
but nothing will bother me today. it's Hallowe'en. evil is in the air, and people are handing out the candy.
Monday, October 30, 2000
i'm feeling a bit better than i was friday. i'm still coughing up some really nasty stuff, but it's more infrequent now.
i drove to St Louis friday to help (dead link) brian and tim move. it's a long drive used primarily by morons and idiots. i caused myself to go hoarse yelling at all the stupid people who don't know that the left lane is for fast drivers.
overall, i had a good, relaxing weekend though. i'll have to do it again soon. by december at the latest. that's when both Rent and Phantom will be there.
Friday, October 27, 2000
my cubical looks kinda Hallowe'enish with all of the little facial-tissue ghosts overflowing my trashcan. they're snot ghosts. hehehehe.
i need nyquil
i can't hear out of my left ear, i can't taste my pepsi, and i've already gone through half a box of Puffs (the big box) this morning.
i feel sorry for my coworkers too. when i blow my nose, it resonates throughout my head. i sound like a friggin' hadrosaur.
it's hard to motivate myself to work.
i've decided not to go to the Hallowe'en party. instead i'm going to St Louis this weekend. it's not raining there, and i'm hoping to spread whatever illness i have. i want to be the cause of a nationwide epidemic so i gotta do a lot of traveling.
Everyone remember (those of you who live through it anyway), when you're telling your grandchildren about the Great Malaria Epidemic of 2000, you know who started it.
Thursday, October 26, 2000
can't take tomorrow off. rent's coming due.
i'm just gonna go home and lie in bed with my 2 feet tall Gengar pillow. ghost pokemon always make me feel better.
i hate being sick, but maybe i'll get to take tomorrow off.
Wednesday, October 25, 2000
a tv program called 'Biopsy Playhouse'?
anyone in the long island area wanna tell me what this is about?
oh.. my costume for the party? an irritable pheemin' bitch. today's my last day as a smoker. i'm gonna so pleasant all weekend long.
World Championship Fishing.
i'm gonna be 26. i'm looking forward to it. i feel great and i'm having fun, so there's no reason to lament being a year older.
both my mother and my boyfriend have been pestering me about what i want for my birthday. know what? i don't want the people i love to worry about it. i don't want anything. don't get me anything. just wish me a happy birthday.
Jean, you're the only one who reads this, so you know i'm talking to you.
if there is anyone else who stops by, even if it is an accident, i'll still accept gifts from you. it doesn't matter what it is (though cash is always nice); it's a great way for us to get to know each other.
why can't i find anything on tv then?
Tuesday, October 24, 2000
for once i remember that it's on, but Mikey wants to take me to dinner tonight. i have to choose...Angel or Mikey... Mikey or Angel...
Mikey bought me flowers last week. Angel hasn't bought me shit.
Adios, Angel.
but her fiance wants to elope to Hawaii (he's not all bad after all), while my sister wants a big wedding here in Tulsa.
if he wants to make the rest of his life easier, he'd better do what my sister wants. my mom doesn't like the idea that she won't get to see them marry.
i just found out that my little sister is engaged!
her fiance even asked my four year old nephew for permission first. isn't that sweet!
i see that Jean has me linked now. hooray for me.
if you're here, welcome. if not.. um... go do something.
how about saying "Hiya, terrence!.
disclaimer: it's new and it's ugly, i know. so don't bitch at me.
if you do, don't leave the original on the copier.