Friday, May 17, 2002

woo hoo! jury duty is over! i want never to have to serve my county again. anyone who's ever been a party in a jury trial, you have my pity. there are some real dumbasses in the jury pool.

Monday, May 13, 2002

ack, i was chosen for a civil suit. business contract. boooooring! you can't have an exciting trial when it's about contracts! where are the Kato Kaelins and Anna Nicole Smiths? where's the guest appearance by James Garner and Eva Gabor? where's the passionate confession of conscience from the gallery by the elderly matriach who was only trying to protect her grandson and didn't mean to do it? feh, Matlock this is not.
i have jury duty this week. hooray for me! i'll probably get a lot of reading done this week.

should i be selected for a jury though, it is my full intention to vote for the conviction of the innocent and for the acquittal of the obviously guilty.