Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hiya. Remember me?

Until last week, it had been more than six months since I last posted, and before that, it had been more than a year. I just haven't had the desire to post without Buffy to obsess over. About the same time, I lost my job, and didn't have the interest in surfing like I used to, so no more linkage either.

I still have nothing to obsess over, and I still don't poke around the interweb like I once did, but I thought I'd give this blogging thing a try again, if for no other reason than to be able to look back one day (as I'm doing now with everything I'd blogged before) and think to myself, "Holy crap, what the hell was wrong with me? Did I bump my noggin that much?

I'm gonna see if this will hold my interest without the glue of Buffy.

I've already posted a few days, but where do I go from here? (ha! Buffy still makes a showing!) How about an update:

First, I was laid off from the mighty TVGuide as scheduled. No biggie. I enjoyed some time off before I started seriously seeking employment again. It was nice. Restful. I got to spend a lot of time with Jason, which was new. Our schedules had always been opposites. I worked weekdays, he worked evenings and weekends. Usually, we only had two or three days where we could really spend time together.

So, it turns out, Jason and I really do like each other.

After five months of slackerness, I took a temp position at a company that, among other things, provides billing and customer care for the largest electric REP in Texas. I did intend it to be a temp job, but it paid better than any other job I'd had, and it turns out that I have a knack for it. I eventually let them hire me on full time. Where I still am. *sob*

For brevity, a few bullet points:
  • TiVO! I should have listened to Max so much sooner. All the crap TV out there I never have to see!
  • back pain gone! Figured out that it wasn't my back, it was my computer chair. I don't feel like myself without the constant pain.
  • Smashed up the car. Head-on collision. went to the hospital with dizziness, blurred vision and nausea. Two MRIs later, the doc says that I just have a sinus infection.
  • Jason and I moved from the apartment we'd been in for almost four years. Only things I miss about it are the in-apartment washer and dryer and the Starbucks within walking distance.
Those are some highlights. There's more, but it seems that most of those things feel more personal, so no sharing for now, except to say that I have been extremely fortunate in meeting some really great people:

One hottie Republican with a soul.
one bundle of Pure Evil that I ADORE
a Crazy Aunt
one spikey-haired guy with a sense of humor even more juvenile than mine
a strong-willed, cynical pragmatist with whom I'm destined to battle, Pokemon style
another Republican, this one balancing youthful optimism with 'I just don't give a fuck' (and he too is a hottie)
a gamer-geek who's profane vocabulary seems only to include various names for female body parts (another hottie)
the boyfriend's family...

oy, falling prey to that Emmy's thank you speech thing where I'm askeered to leave anyone out. If I keep going this list will be too long to blog. It's enough to know that these and others have had a lasting, positive impact on me. I am glad to have crossed paths with each of them, even if I may one day have to crush them while I'm ruling the world with an iron fist. tsk tsk.

Friday, May 27, 2005

It's all MINE!

I have it listed on the left as one of my 'Currently Reading', so I'll also mention that Noblesse Oblige: The Book of Houses is the last book I needed to complete my Changeling gaming collection! Huzzah!

So sad we've no more time together

The new guy at work that I referred to last week is gone already. He went out and found himself a real job, the goob.

Now what am I supposed to look at?

All the little things

Still messing around with hammering out little things... I'm hopeful that I will continue blogging after I've got the template worked out the way I want ^_^