Friday, October 05, 2001

Coming Attractions reports that Gloria Foster, the Oracle of The Matrix, died last weekend. has everyone been talking about this for a week and i missed it?

Aaliyah, Gloria Foster... maybe Laurence Fishburne should get out before it's too late.
i noticed last night that i didn't have any way to contact me listed on this page. fixed that, though now i'm wondering how people have been emailing me when the address wasn't listed anywhere here. the paranoia-minded want to know.
Jason Bates' review of Enterprise.
received an email a few minutes ago from the boss' boss' boss:

"In light of the OU / Texas game this weekend we have developed a little Trivia game for you all. Get all of them right and be the first one in your group and you could win a half day off!

1) Who currently leads the OU / TEXAS series?
2) What is OU's Mascot? and what is the Texas Mascot?
3) The OU Fight song was written by?
4) Throughout the history of the OU/Texas rivalry, who have been the only 2 running backs to rush for more than 200 yards in the same game? One running back played for Texas, the other for Oklahoma."

within minutes, i gave my winning answers:
1) Texas
2) the Sooner Schooner and Bevo
3) Arthur M. Alden
4) De'mond Parker for OU and Ricky Williams for UT

the people in my group complain that i had an advantage because i attended OU and lived in Norman for six years. i don't watch football though. i hate the sport. the only question i could answer on my own was the mascots. i won because i'm fast on the google search, and it really pisses off the guys over in the Cable Sports group that queer!Terrence beat them to it.

take that, jockboys!
not feeling well today. yesterday, i thought i had a toothache, some problem with one of my wisdom teeth. i worried i may need to have it pulled. then, i wake up this morning, with a swollen throat, and i have a dull ache running up the side of my head from throat to ear, with the beginnigs of an ear ache. things like this always happen just before i go out of town.

this afternoon, i'm driving to St Louis for my best mate's birthday. and for the Whitecastles. best mate Brian is going to make me play golf with him. i'm so overjoyed, i'm ready to wet myself.

Thursday, October 04, 2001

tonight on syndiBuffy: "Puppet Show," the episode in which Buffy deals with the Supreme Court. goodnight, everybody!
to hell with it. there will be no tv reviews this week. i'll try again next week.
anyone planning to buy all 16 "Collectible Covers" of the TVGuide featuring the Survivor: Africa contestants? i'm really wondering if this multiple cover thing increases sales.
a Gene Roddenberry action figure? seems a bit odd, but i think i want to get one. my Buffy action figure could use a new friend or enemy. not sure which way Gene would go. i'd have to put them together and see how they react.

speaking of action figures, i haven't mentioned that i did get one new friend for Action!Buffy: Action!Oz (see them here with Action!Giles, who i'll be picking up in a couple of weeks). the two make a great pair to battle Evil Doers and the Undead, but with all those weapons, i thought they might turn to fighting each other, and i really didn't want Buffy to kick Oz's ass (you know she would), so i had to get some enemies for them: Warrior Nun Areala and Shotgun Mary. the battle will be glorious!

which action figure do i want most right now? Fiesta Giles.
Also well-orchestrated are the subtle hints at Willow's possible turn to Dark Phoenix-dom. Lying about offing Bambi? Puking up snakes? Wearing clogs?

scifi.ign's review of the Buffy season premiere.

Wednesday, October 03, 2001

tonight on syndiBuffy: "I Robot...You Jane" the crossover hit that has Xander swinging from the trees in a loincloth. woo!
too bizarre not to link to: "Stone Baby" or "fetal calcification isn't everything it's cracked up to be."
Angel and Buffy fell into swoony star- crossed love. He helped her take on the beasties (Angel morphs fangs, a prehensile forehead and glowing eyes when he's in a fighting mood);

what the hell is a prehensile forehead? how is that even possible? is there a definition of 'prehensile' that i'm not familiar with? eh, it comes from a NYTimes article but is reposted here (scroll down to September 24). all in all, it's a good article about Angel.
haven't posted any links for a while, so here's a few:

the overnight Buffy ratings numbers (6.2 rating and a 9 share, whatever that means). Buffy ended up placing fourth for the night.

a review of Monday night's Angel ("That Vision Thing").

Roswell vs. Smallville.

i'm just not going to have the time for that Buffy review today after all. being forced off the computer for an hour while the tech took care of my little virus problem has put me far behind in work. sucks. also, my lunch with Video Store Guy ran a little long (though it was worth it for the "no thanks, i don't use salt and pepper." "what? you don't *do* Salt 'N Peppa??" conversation). i miss the months when i had no work and spent half of my day just blogging. ::sigh:: ah well. i'll write that Buffy review tonight at home, after Enterprise and Special Unit 2 so it will definitely be here tomorrow.
ok, so now i'm going to say something i've never said before: i hate school. the only person that i've just been dying (not literally) to discuss last night's Buffy with has to study for a test and can't talk about it. boo! hiss! school sucks!
a strange file appeared on my desktop out of nowhere. i emailed the Help Desk about it, and they had someone check it out. it was a virus. they cleaned my harddrive. never the one to do things in a small way, i had seventeenhundred infected files. yay me! but don't think i'm a knucklehead who's been opening up strange emails (what kind of guy do you think i am?). someone's been using my computer late at night, and he or she picked it up in his or her web meanderings. my biggest worry, of course, was that in all the 'Delete Files' the tech would be doing, i'd lose my Buffy wallpaper. thank grog he didn't touch it.
heh. Lifetime cracks me up.
so much to do today, but i will find the time for the Buffy talk. fear not.

Tuesday, October 02, 2001

been really busy today. haven't had the chance to review last night's Angel, and now there's not enough time. so, it'll have to wait a day or two. hey, i can talk about Buffy and Angel tomorrow. it'll be like old times, when they were broadcasted back-to-back.

tonight's full of Buffy. first, tonight's syndiBuffy is the episode "Angel," in which Buffy discovers that Angel knows the Colonel's secret blend of eleven herbs and spices, followed by (let me say this one more time today) Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Season Six Premiere! watch it. if you don't, i'll have to come kick your ass.
after a month long hiatus, Joss Whedon's Fray #4 comes out this week. yay!
Buffy's all i can talk about apparently. i just talked another co-worker into leaving early tonight and watching Buffy. yay!
or, by Blogger time, five hours, twenty-seven minutes.
five hours, thirty minutes.
Zap2it has some Buffy related clips. some are interviews with Sarah Michelle Gellar, Nicholas Brendon, James Marsters or Joss Whedon, other's are clips from tonight's season premiere (if you don't want to be spoiled, don't watch them. you can always come back after the show airs, right?). [via Dark Horizons]
Buffy lives tonight on UPN!
tonight's the night. nine hours to go for all-new Buffy!

Monday, October 01, 2001

tonight on syndiBuffy: The Pack. Angel will be on at 8pm CDT on WB.

tomorrow: season 6 premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer at 7pm. that's only a little more than 25 hours away right now. yay!
congrats, Jean!
i'm corndogiliciously happy about the fair, and i was trying to be positive about the last three days of having houseguests from out of town, but i have to bitch about one of them: one of the two females was so friggin' full of bullshit that i'm still angry. she and i were having a discussion about various military-type things (since i am an expert on such matters) and she said something about Vietnam. i disagreed with her, and she starts shouting "I know what I'm talking about! I was in the army and I have top level clearance!" this is where i had to drop out of the conversation.

this just-turned-20 year old girl expected me to believe that she had top level clearance in the army? she expected me to believe that she was even *in* the army? she expected me to believe that, even though she'd said earlier that she was just a reservist? she expected me to believe that, even if she actually had top level clearance, that she'd just blurt out sensitive information solely to support her contention that the US should slaughter all one billion Muslims?

livid doesn't begin to describe how i felt at that moment. but enough of that. it's not like that was the only thing she did that pissed me off.

her second night in my apartment, she demanded that i give up my bed to her. apparently, extending the courtesy of shelter wasn't enough, and (for some reason) she thought i'd actually give up my bed to her when a) VSG was also staying the weekend with me and b) my best mate Brian and his boyfriend Tim, with whom she was tagging along from St Louis, were there also. they'd have had first dibs anyway (if i'd been willing to give up my bed, which i wasn't. i always sleep on the futon at their house). then: at 3am, she called a guy that she'd met at the fair only 6 hours before and gave him an invitation and directions to my apartment while i was asleep. if there is any offense for which i'd be willing to go all Freddy Kruger on someone's ass, giving a stranger entry to my home with neither my knowledge or permission is it. i wouldn't let most of the people i know into my apartment. why would i have allowed her to bring some rough-trade looking, trash talking, effin' stranger into my apartment? that goes beyond rude. that goes into the "Given the Opportunity, I Will Destroy You" catagory.

ok. i'm done.
the new Angel season 3 cast photo is out, this time including Fred.
Realplayer interviews with Joss about the Giles series and the musical episode (old clips, i think. bloody BBC didn't bother with putting a date on the clips). still interesting if you haven't seen them.
i like this idea: Who Would You Kill on [insert television show]?
it's corndog time! last weekend was opening weekend for the Tulsa State Fair. though it's basically the same thing every year, i go year after year for the corndogs. i never ride any rides (most suck anyway) or buy any of the trinkets (most suck anyway). it's only for the corndogs. entertainment options include LFO, who was there yesterday (bloody hell, i missed 'em) and the local band Shamrock (i've seen them play before. pretty good). have i mentioned the corndogs? they're well worth the price.