Friday, November 09, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: the Spikelicious "Lover's Walk" and the debut of our favorite Vengeance Demon in "The Wish".
scarcely recalled memory.... only a snippet, and fuzzy at that... focused on one thing, everything around it is there but i can't see it. someone help me out here.

ninjas are coming, right? a television program that i watch is having ninjas on it soon, right? oooh! is it Angel? something to do with Darla's baby perhaps? ack! that's the only show i can think of that would have them (though i can't remember the teaser for next week's Enterprise, so i guess there could be Space Ninjas coming).
click to see the full sized freakazoidTVGuide likes to do their silly little Collectible Cover thing. people must buy up multiple copies, or there wouldn't be anymore multicover weeks, right? i think it's time i cashed in on this and made a little money myself, so i'm offering a tolkhan exclusive third Michael Jackson cover. send me $$ and it's yours! quantities are limited! don't miss out!
i'm getting a lot of hits looking for the FX X-Ballot Marathon. if you've come for that, i suggest the FX website. makes more sense, don't you think?

Thursday, November 08, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: watch Giles be a tough guy! see Joyce become a tramp! it's "Band Candy"!

followed by "Revelations". is this another apocalypse episode? is Buffy battling four guys on horses? tune in and see!

tonight is also the series premiere of The Tick. watch it.
also from Sci Fi Wire (and i'm reposting the whole thing because i think it's worth more than just a link):

The special musical episode of UPN's Buffy the Vampire Slayer rated well in its Nov. 6 airing, the network reported. The all-singing, all-dancing episode, "Once More With Feeling," ranked No. 3 among persons 12-34, adults 18-34, teens and female teens, UPN reported.

The Buffy episode also ranked No. 2 in its 8-9 p.m. timeslot among males 12-34, men 18-34 and male teens, beating The WB's Gilmore Girls, ABC's Spin City, CBS' Jag and NBC's Three Sisters, UPN reported.
Apple has posted a streaming version of the soundtrack to the first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring.
[from Sci Fi Wire]
a June 2001 Q&A with ASH and Amber Benson:

Charlie_Angel - if you could play any other character on the show who would it be and why?

Amber - Actually I wanna be on Angel and I wanna be the host - the karaoke singing demon

Tony - I always wanted to be Cordelia!
the Sarah Kuhn review of "Once More, With Feeling," which is also where i found this:
Spikey goodness
been in an foul mood since yesterday evening. found something to cheer me up: Nicholas Gonzalez

and to connect this post with the one one immediately preceding, here's Nestor Carbonell, and a TVGuide article about his role as Bat Manuel.
tonight is the premiere of

here's what TVGuide Online has to say about it.

Wednesday, November 07, 2001

we'll call it "Part One" for now, but the "Once More, With Feeling" review is up on my Buffy blog.

forgive any errors for now. i'll clean it up later.
here's Jean's take on "Once More, With Feeling"
from an email with Jean:

"[name omitted] theory is that Willow didn't have a song to sing because Willow has no truth to tell. Interesting."

indeed. hadn't thought of that.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Enterprise have helped propel UPN in the first six weeks of the season to the largest year-to-year ratings growth of any broadcast network, the network announced. UPN has seen its prime-time ratings grow in all key demographics, including a 19 percent hike among persons aged 12-34, 26 percent among adults 18-34 and 21 percent among adults 18-49.
Sarah Kuhn's review of this week's Angel, "Offspring."
"Hey, look at me! I'm dancing crazy!" i love Anya.

so, Mikey and i were watching last night, and Tara was singing a song that was sort of funny in that "Oh, but you are!" kind of ways, and Willow and Tara embrace and twirl together, and suddenly they're back in the bedroom, and...

Mikey and i both stared with slackjawed 'ewww!' "Are they..?" "Did she just.." anyone else come away from the scene thinking that, uh, Willow was 'kissing the kitty'? will that be one of the deleted scenes for future airings?
Dawn's in trouble? It must be Tuesday. heh.

"Bunnies aren't just cute, like everyone supposes.
They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses.
and what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies! Bunnies! It must be bunnies!

...Or maybe midgets."

Tuesday, November 06, 2001

i'm going to be cutting out early today. i have many things to do before "Once More, With Feeling" airs tonight. let's all watch and we'll sing the songs together tomorrow.

before Musical Buffy tonight, FX still has the syndiBuffy double feature. tonight's episodes: "Dead Man's Party," initiating Joyce into the Sunnydale supernatural scene, and "Faith, Hope and Trick", the first appearance of the ultracool Mr. Trick.

tonight, folks, is the night. it's difficult to contain my excitement.
ah, the Tara love aria, available at the official Buffy musical site. can't download it though, dammit. Amber Benson does well.
downloading more clips of tonight's musical Buffy (less than 9 hours away!). it's gonna focking ruck! i love the dancers during the Tara love song.
ya know, i watch syndiBuffy, and i see Cordelia throwing herself at Angel, but he never pays much attention to her, and Xander tells her that there's no way she can come between Angel and Buffy.

all i have to say to that is that patience pays off. go Cordy!
i miss quoted yesterday. it should have been "Have we met?" "You hit me with an ax one time."

Monday, November 05, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "Becoming, part 2" my favorite conversation in ... uh... this episode "Have we met?" "You hit me with an ax one time."

and the first episode of the third season "Anne," which, if you think about it, makes you wonder how intentional is Buffy's failure at the whole job thing in "Life Serial" this season?

also tonight on Angel: "Offspring," featuring Gunn guest vocalling for a band singing to Angel the perennial classic, "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)"
before i go today, some final Buffy related links:

Buffy Faces Music On UPN

Buffy Musical Premiered
The publicity poster for "Once More, With Feeling."

i told my roommates that i wanted to have Buffy wallpaper in the apartment. they said no. surely, they'd let me have one little poster up.
[thanks, Jean!]
my review of "All the Way" is up. yeah, so what if it's late.

i just had my annual performance review. the boss had many good things to say, and only one negative: i don't communicate enough. heh. in light of all the crap i spew here every day, it's funny.

the company has gifted me with a Shiny Pen-in-a-Box to commemorate my Employment Anniversary, and a hand signed Letter of Congratulations from the VP of Human Resources. they seem really happy with my performance, and encourage a long career at TVGuide. i, however, am a firm believer in the "Money Talks" Method of Employment. i'm waiting to hear how much my raise is.
Jason Bates' review of "The Andorian Incident," last week's Enterprise. by the time i reached the middle of the article, i was asking "does this guy even watch the show?" he asks questions that have been answered in the same episode!. he does crap like that every week.

They ought to have dozens of little smart "grenades" that fly themselves around corners and follow the enemy and go boom with a big blast of stun energy that knocks out the tentacle-headed opposition without punching a bunch of holes in some old Vulcan masonry.

they've just developed phase pistols, but they should have flying guided stun grenades? also (this may be a bit picky, or just insignificant, but...), there is a difference between a tentacle and an antenna.

C'mon, having antennae on your heads is so Marvin-the-Martian/Stan Lee it's not even funny. It's just bad camp.

other ST shows have had species descended from non-mammalian (and non-primate) lineages, and they have features of their repitilian, canid, feline, and ickthoid ancestors (and for god's sake, some are rocks! cf. the original seies "Devil in the Dark." or puddles of Quaker State 10W-30 [TNG "Skin of Evil"]! or gaseous entities! or electrical clouds!), and he complains of an insectoid species having antennae (or maybe they're gastropods. snails have antennae like the Andorians. have they been established in canon as insectoid?).

Spying on other societies that could be a threat to you is as logical as watching space for potentially large asteroids that could hit your planet.

is it logical for a race that doesn't lie to violate a treaty they made willingly, and to lie about doing it?

And letting Archer give away the location of the Vulcan listening post -- and thus end the protection to Vulcan created by that spying -- to the Andorians is a broach of every single diplomatic and military directive a starship captain presumably would be given before he sets out that I can only shake my head in disgust.

hmm.. the Vulcans, who Archer (and many other humans) believe held back humanity's progress, who withholds information from the humans, who look down on the humans as childlike and blah blah blah, who also have an enclave near Starfleet headquarters, are lying about spying on the Andorians, and he doesn't think Archer would believe them to be doing the same to the humans? he doesn't think Archer would be really pissed and vindicated in his mistrust? Mr. Bates needs to forget about all the Original Series crap and everything set in years after Kirk. Humans and Vulcans are barely friends, and some people on both sides wouldn't even go that far. They don't go skipping around the galaxy hand in hand preaching love for other species yet. there's a working relationship, but very little trust. and the hypocritical Vulcans are violating a treaty they signed! they deserve to have their listening post revealed. and diplomatically, it was a good move by Archer. he earned a boon, and possibly a willingness to trust, from the Andorians.

Later, the Vulcans and Andorians are all part of the Federation, so presumably they're pretty close together

do the words "neighboring system" mean nothing? why presume? it's stated clearly!

And yes, I am still completely and totally against that cheesy song... Anything would be better than that 80s reject trash.

it's been six weeks. it's been talked about to death. get over the friggin' theme song already.

threat of four, yes four Andorian guards armed with phasers and bad attitudes -- something Kirk, Picard, Sisko, or Janeway could've gotten past in five minutes.

suck it up, geek boy. this isn't TOS, TNG, DS9 or Voyager. besides, i'd like to see him escape from room guarded by four guys with guns.

if the guy doesn't want to review Enterprise (does he even want to watch it? "if I wasn't writing these reviews, I don't think it would hold my attention all that well"), he shouldn't be the one doing it. his disinterest shows.
heh. sloth is admirable.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 9:15 AM
To: Terrence
Subject: RE:

so we've heard Anthony Head and James Marsters singing elsewhere. how about some Amber Benson singing "Toucha Toucha Touch Me"? makes you think there's something a little Freaky seething under Tara's surface.
[via Jean, who always comes away with the coolest Buffy links]
so much chaos this weekend in celebrating the annual marker in the march toward death, it's good to be back to routine for no other reason than Buffy: the Musical stuff, like this EW spread that Max found. with everything going on the last few days, i'd let the musical ep fall from it's obsession-prime position as the foremost thought in my mind. once i opened up that link, i was stunned at all the Buffilicious feelings that flooded back to occupy my mind once again. Buffy is a neuropharmacological-addictive substance.