Friday, October 27, 2000

yeah. i get to go home.
i just finished off that box of Puffs.

my cubical looks kinda Hallowe'enish with all of the little facial-tissue ghosts overflowing my trashcan. they're snot ghosts. hehehehe.

i need nyquil

geez i hate this.

i can't hear out of my left ear, i can't taste my pepsi, and i've already gone through half a box of Puffs (the big box) this morning.

i feel sorry for my coworkers too. when i blow my nose, it resonates throughout my head. i sound like a friggin' hadrosaur.

it's hard to motivate myself to work.
still sick. couldn't sleep last night. at least i got to see Will and Grace.

i've decided not to go to the Hallowe'en party. instead i'm going to St Louis this weekend. it's not raining there, and i'm hoping to spread whatever illness i have. i want to be the cause of a nationwide epidemic so i gotta do a lot of traveling.

Everyone remember (those of you who live through it anyway), when you're telling your grandchildren about the Great Malaria Epidemic of 2000, you know who started it.

Thursday, October 26, 2000

getting sicker.

can't take tomorrow off. rent's coming due.

i'm just gonna go home and lie in bed with my 2 feet tall Gengar pillow. ghost pokemon always make me feel better.
dammit. i'm coming down with something. probably malaria, or a pneumophagic disease.

i hate being sick, but maybe i'll get to take tomorrow off.
is it just me, or was the plot of last night's Voyager just a little transparent?

Wednesday, October 25, 2000

what the hell?

a tv program called 'Biopsy Playhouse'?

anyone in the long island area wanna tell me what this is about?
i could use a nice, lazy, relaxing weekend. i'm not going to get it this weekend though. i got a Hallowe'en costume party to go to saturday, which means i'm gonna spend sunday recovering from staying up past my bedtime, and from imbibing cocktails.

oh.. my costume for the party? an irritable pheemin' bitch. today's my last day as a smoker. i'm gonna so pleasant all weekend long.
ooo! something worth seeing is finally coming on tv:

World Championship Fishing.
today begins the official countdown to my birthday. 7 days left...

i'm gonna be 26. i'm looking forward to it. i feel great and i'm having fun, so there's no reason to lament being a year older.

both my mother and my boyfriend have been pestering me about what i want for my birthday. know what? i don't want the people i love to worry about it. i don't want anything. don't get me anything. just wish me a happy birthday.

Jean, you're the only one who reads this, so you know i'm talking to you.

if there is anyone else who stops by, even if it is an accident, i'll still accept gifts from you. it doesn't matter what it is (though cash is always nice); it's a great way for us to get to know each other.
ya know, i work for TV Guide. i spend most of my day looking at television schedules.

why can't i find anything on tv then?

Tuesday, October 24, 2000

hey, tonight's Buffy/Angel night, isn't it?

for once i remember that it's on, but Mikey wants to take me to dinner tonight. i have to choose...Angel or Mikey... Mikey or Angel...

Mikey bought me flowers last week. Angel hasn't bought me shit.

Adios, Angel.

but her fiance wants to elope to Hawaii (he's not all bad after all), while my sister wants a big wedding here in Tulsa.

if he wants to make the rest of his life easier, he'd better do what my sister wants. my mom doesn't like the idea that she won't get to see them marry.

i just found out that my little sister is engaged!

her fiance even asked my four year old nephew for permission first. isn't that sweet!

i see that Jean has me linked now. hooray for me.

if you're here, welcome. if not.. um... go do something.

how about saying "Hiya, terrence!.
jean wants to 'blog my blog'. ok then, go for it.

disclaimer: it's new and it's ugly, i know. so don't bitch at me.
never use the office photocopier to make copies for personal use.

if you do, don't leave the original on the copier.
woo hoo! they finally came and fixed my phone here at work! it's been 4 weeks, but i have one now!

for a couple of days now, my fingers have been in active rebellion against my brain. i've been able to force them to comply most of the time, but ocassionally, one of them decides to sabotage something. it's all part of their guerilla-terrorist tactics. they think they can force concessions from me that way, but i won't cave. they will obey me.