Been watching my Angel dvds all week, trying to get caught up. So many suprises for me. I started watching Angel in the middle of the second season. It's nice to see how they've maintained continuity, plus there's the bonus that these episodes have been really good. I've seen a lot of people during seasons 3 and 4 say that Angel is really good now. It seems to me that it always has been.
By the way, I've missed this Cordelia. Woot! and Wesley in leather trousers!
Jason's been watching the eps too, after I go to sleep. He's determined to finish the season before I do so he can say "Ha ha! I saw it all before you did!" Then I'll laugh back and say "Ha ha! I've already seen the other three-and-a-half seasons before you!"
(this post edited because it was mistakenly published before I meant it to be)
Friday, February 14, 2003
Hooray for Pokemon vitamins! Picked up some last night while searching for something for a back ache. They come in four colors/flavors, with pokemon shapes. The purple flavor is shaped like Gengar (my favoroite pokemon)! Of course, gengar is a ghost pokemon of the poison element. I don't know what marketing genius chose him for the purple shape, but if a kid knows his or her pokemon, you'd think they'd avoid the gengar vitamins.
Tuesday, February 11, 2003
Angel season 1 DVD set is on the shelf today. Happy joy!
Details on the Region 2 DVD set for Buffy season 6 (will this also be what's on the Region 1 discs in 2004?), including director's commentary for "Bargaining," "Hells Bells," "Grave," and "Once More, With Feeling" among others, as well as Karaoke Sing-Alongs (!!!!!! for OMWF? If so, my neighbors are gonna fucking hate me. If they already didn't, I mean). Joyous happiness!
Army of Darkness (Boomstick Edition).
Details on the Region 2 DVD set for Buffy season 6 (will this also be what's on the Region 1 discs in 2004?), including director's commentary for "Bargaining," "Hells Bells," "Grave," and "Once More, With Feeling" among others, as well as Karaoke Sing-Alongs (!!!!!! for OMWF? If so, my neighbors are gonna fucking hate me. If they already didn't, I mean). Joyous happiness!
Army of Darkness (Boomstick Edition).