Friday, January 04, 2002

and i haven't received an invitation yet either. feh.
my cousin called today to ask me if i'd be able to go for a tux fitting tonight because he wants me to be one of his groomsmen at his wedding. he's getting married next weekend. according to my sisters, he's been telling everyone but me for three months that he wanted me to do this for him. he just didn't bother to ask me until a week before the wedding. very nice of him, especially now in the post-holiday season where i've had to budget two months out to be certain that i'm not caught by suprise by anything, leaving me with very little extra cash. bah! weddings suck, cousins suck and tuxes suck. even worse, my cousin has terrible tastes in just about everything (except fiancées. she's sweet), which means it's probably going to be one ugly-ass tux.
i added the Buffy the Vampire Slayer board game to my wishlist last month. alas, no one bought it for me (i didn't get anything Buffy-related for chriskwanzukka. everyone thought i already had everything or that someone else would get it for me. bah! that's what wishlists are for! and telephones! communication, people! however, if anyone is still thinking of buying me Buffy stuff, or any other stuff, i'd like to remind everyone that the anniversary of the crowning of Queen Elizabeth I is on the 15th and MLKJr b-day and the holiday are coming up. those are traditional gift giving times too. anyway...)

now that i have a testimonial (from Max, who hasn't had permalinks in forever), i'll have to go out and get the board game myself. there will be resistance, but i'll force my roommates to play with me.
Chicago Tribune, on Bush II's delay of the release of Reagan's Presidential records.

Thursday, January 03, 2002

there are some sports i do like.
there's a ghost living (existing?) in my apartment. we've known for a while that the roommate's room is haunted. there's always been strange noises, doors opening and closing, all the standard ghostly fare, and it's always been limited to his room. every so often, there'd be something odd in other parts of the apartment (usually things go missing and are later found in places that make you wonder 'What the hell?'), but nothing that could only be explained as ghostly activity.

last night, as the boyfriend and i enjoyed a lively discussion about how much my computer sucks, the garbage disposal came on. on its own. no one near it. also, the room was cold, though the thermostat was set for 75°. and later, i found my sock drawer open. that's strange because i have no socks in it (they're all in a laundry basket, awaiting mating).

on monday night, the power flashed off for a couple of minutes. except to the DVD player and television. when the power came back on, the light in the living room, where we were, didn't. i thought we'd blown the bulb, so i went to flip the switch off before changing it, but the switch had already been flipped! i flipped it back on, and the light worked! it was the ghost's work! spooky, isn't it?

Wednesday, January 02, 2002

why not?

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

eh... ok.
a smattering of year end lists of good television (with Buffy excerpts. follow the links for other programs. all links pilfered from, which is a great place to stay up on Buffy articles):

Neal Justin: The Year in Television. (Star Tribune) The cast of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" can't sing or dance well, which is one reason this musical episode was such a treat. The young actors had to rely on pure energy, and the result was one high-spirited number after another. The highlight: "I'll Never Tell," in which lovers Xander (Nicholas Brendon) and Anya (Emmy Caulfield) make like Fred and Ginger. Sexy, silly, sensational.

TV faced reality in '01. It had the best single episode: Feb. 27's ``The Body,'' a beautifully crafted and acted look at death. It had the single most innovative episode: Nov. 6's ``Once More With Feeling,'' an all-singing, all-dancing ``Buffy'' that actually worked. It killed off its lead character in spectacular fashion -- and then brought her back from the dead even more spectacularly.

Primetime's top 10. (Orlando Sentinel) The supernatural series depicted its heroine's return from the dead with poignant eeriness. It established a steamy romantic relationship between Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Spike (James Marsters). It offered a musical episode that was remarkable and daring. Gellar astonished with her wide-ranging talent -- it's time Emmy voters acknowledged her.

Goodies the tube delivered in 2001. (Mercury News) Hits more home runs than any series.

TV watching made easy. (SF Examiner) The Can't-Miss Network Show: Any regular reader of this column already knew the answer to this one. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" gave us two of the most striking hours of television this year with the powerful episode "The Body," in which Buffy's beloved mother died, and the musical episode, "Once More With Feeling. ... Even Examiner movie critic Jeff Anderson called "The Body" one of the best hours of television he's ever seen, putting most major Hollywood movies to shame. So take that, naysayers.

Television in the Year of 9-11 (MSNBC) It was a tough year for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.” It was a tough year for all of us. February now feels so removed from the post-Sept. 11 world that it might as well be the Middle Ages. But back in ye olde February, an episode of “Buffy” aired that might just have been the best episode aired by any television program all year.
rumor: N'Sync to appear in Episode II? N'Sync would appear only briefly, as anonymous Jedi knights in the background of a climactic battle scene, who get blown up by battle droids.
to the two Iksar warriors and the single necromancer who stood and watched, though i yelled for help, as a greater skeleton killed my character: your names are now written on a Post-It stuck on my monitor (especially you, Mr. Necromancer, since i've saved your tail a couple of times). i'd conned all three of you, and i know you're weaker than i. everytime i find you, i will train to you anything i can find that i know will kick your asses and pommel you into itty bitty bits. everytime. you'd better find hunting ground outside Kunark.
my New Year's Eve fun: stayed home with the boyfriend and watched kung fu flicks (except for the ten minutes when he wanted to watch the ball drop in Times Square, though i'm sure he regretted it because i ranted about how i'll never understand why anyone outside of the US eastern time zone would want to watch it).

Monday, December 31, 2001

a new look over at Dancing Lessons, and while you're there, check out some well written fiction that has caused me to rethink my opinion of fanfic. there are some talented writers over there.