Friday, May 25, 2001

TVGuide Online talked with Joss yesterday about Buffy's death. nothing new in there really except that he says it may be October before Buffy premieres on UPN instead of August like i've been hearing.
something i don't need is another Conquer the World/Galaxy game, but this one will let you assimilate!

on the horizon: Star Trek: Borg Simulator. Although it's also set in the Next Generation universe, there are no characters from the series. Instead, players get to control the entire Borg Collective and control the queen and drones as they assimilate a planet. Borg Simulator will be available early 2002.
i'm the type of guy who enjoys nerve stapling drones in Alpha Centauri and using nukes in the various Civilization games. assimilation should be fun.
just because i'm a bitter ex-employee: U.S. sues Wal-Mart. yay!
Wednesday night, a convenience store clerk was found dead at work. as far as anyone can tell, no merchandise or cash was missing from the store. an on-scene report stated that the clerk may have died of natural causes, but police were investigating it as a 'suspicious death' because there was blood coming from the man's nose. apparently, they didn't notice the gunshot wound to his chest.
Beginning in the nineteenth century, all the way through 1932, an odd creature was often reported to have been seen in Australia. The "bunyip" was semi-aquatic, much larger than a retriever but with no tail, having long, black hair. It had a horse-like head and long ears, but was never captured, identified, or catalogued.


my favorite of the Austrailian cryptozoological sightings are the Tasmanian Tiger, thought to be extinct since 1936. one of the more reliable sightings was only 6 years ago, made by a park ranger. one day soon, we may all be able to see a live Tasmanian Tiger, if this cloning project works out.

Thursday, May 24, 2001

Fox has picked up a show and has it on it's schedule as a back-up. it's i show i'm sure Anya won't be watching (i'm allowed to make a Buffy connection here because Seth Green will be in the show).
here's one for you, Jean: Diesel Preps For Pitch 2
next season's Angel will probably have at least one episode full of zany kookiness as the slightly insane new character Fred meets up with the very insane vampire character Drusilla.

reviews of the seaon finales of Buffy and Angel. Joss reassures the panicky fans (i'm not one of them, btw. i knew she and the show would be back, if for no other reason than this: UPN isn't going to pay for something they aren't getting. duh), and over here, he tells us that BTVS/ATS crossovers are now unlikely. here's a lengthy article from last Sunday that gives a lot of backgound on Buffy and Joss.

poor guy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2001

the mayor of Los Angeles has declared today Star Trek: Voyager day "in recognition of the show's seven years on the air and the evening's finale." i think he just wants the day off.
WB has interviews with some of the Buffy cast here. they use Quicktime, which means i can't view them here at work. as if i needed more reasons to go home early today.

fluff interview with Joss, David Boreanaz says he doesn't care which network Angel's on, and WB decides to air Buffy reruns on Wednesdays during the summer (probably in an effort to screw with UPN, says i).
good lord.. Richard Dean Anderson was arraigned in federal court yesterday, accused of taking part in what authorities believe was a large-scale "drugs for stolen goods" operation.

i'm certain, though, that it's not the same Richard Dean Anderson that i'm thinking of.
i've read the comic book version of Mutant X. it doesn't sound like the series is going to be much like it.
fans of the show Roswell have decided to thank UPN, who scooped up the big eared alien show when WB cancelled it, by organizing a charity fundraiser. i knew UPN wasn't doing all that great, but needing a charity drive to keep it going.... sheesh. the future doesn't look so bright for Buffy and the new Trek.
[yes, i did read the article. yes, i know it's not a charity drive for UPN. the fundraiser will give the money to the Pediatric Cancer Foundation in UPN's name. i'm not a totally clueless berk.]

Tuesday, May 22, 2001

USA Today has a good, non-spoilerish Buffy season finale review.
eeg! i'm only 3 hours away from the Buffy season finale. i have much to do before i go home, and much packing to do once i get home. additionally, i'm working on having a guest at my Watch Party of One (thereby making it a Watch Party of Two), so i'll have to clear some space for him to sit in, just in case (he'll probably also want me to feed him. no time to cook. hope he likes bologna).

everyone watch Buffy tonight so we'll have lots to talk about tomorrow, k?
one of the top headlines for the day here in Tulsa is that the legislature passed a bill to move the repeal of the vehicular inspection law up from August 25th to sometime this week. vehicle owners had a dilemna if their inspection sticker expired before August 25th. should i comply and renew, or should i let it expire and risk the fine of $75? the people are worried that police officers will take advantage of those risk-takers and snag some extra money for their respective cities. the legislature has decided to help out these poor souls by having the repeal take effect this week instead (none of this really matters to me since mine is good through next April). i'm not certain why they're bothering with this. the price of the inspection sticker is only $5. it would have been much nicer is they'd moved up the date for the change in tag prices last year. i paid $200 for mine. three weeks later it would have only cost me $80, but the jerks-who-are-officers police department would have cited me as much as possible had i not had a current tag.
ack. there are postings that say that, in the live-action Tick this fall on Fox, two characters will have different names: die Fledermaus will be Batmanuel (which i can grudgingly accept), and American Maid will be known as Captain Liberty (which is so lame it's nauseous). there is absolutely no cleverness in that name, and i wish a pox on whomever came up with it.
my dreams have reached a new level of mundacity. last night, i dreamt that i was shopping for groceries. i was Comparison Shopping and even had coupons. my life must really suck.
this is good for a smirk first thing in the morning: Voyager's Wang Looks Ahead

Monday, May 21, 2001

oh good lord! there was only one Full House fic, so i decided to read it to see what someone could possibly write about that ridiculously saccharin show. someone had some serious Danny/Jessie fantasies. blech.
here's something to keep me busy between tomorrow night's season finale of Buffy and August's season premiere:

3,681 Buffy fanfics. or i could read some of the Starsky and Hutch or Full House.
i don't think anyone can refute his calculations.
have you been thinking "there just aren't enough mouse-eating, false-skin-wearing, we'll-trade-for-your-water-and-snag-most-of-your-population-for-snacks-while-we're-at-it aliens on tv anymore"? someone's been thinking the same thing.
*sob* it's gone!

updated: eh, the bastards... now it's back. but now i'm kinda wishing they'd take it down. that site makes Jimmy out to be a real idiot, not the lovable, dumb as rocks lovely that he really is. no good.
bloody hell. today is the birthday of someone in the office, and i see that there's a cake stashed in the community cube. this means there's going to be one of the those "Let's get everyone together and socialize over cake" moments. i hate that.
a photo of the cast of The Tick, with Arthur, American Maid, Die Fledermaus and Tick. heh. Arthur does look like a bunny.

Sunday, May 20, 2001

i have decided to sell my extra copies of Kithbook: Pooka and Kithbook: Sluagh.

anyone interested can email me with offers.