Friday, March 15, 2002

tolkhan's recap: "As You Were" (wha? so i'm a couple weeks behind. and still missing "Older and Far Away," "Dead Things," "DoubleMeat Palace," "Smashed," and "Wrecked. i'll get them up some day)
they put Angel on a five week vacation for this?
note to self: if you happen to stumble upon it, do not read Angel/Spike slash at work.
if anyone's interested (and i know you all are), Rilgoran (my EQ character) completed his Occultist Skullcap quest last night. afterward, rather than doing anything productive (in an In-game sense, because playing Everquest isn't really all that productive), he used his invisibility spell on himself, then went around bonking people on the head and tickling monks.

my life is so fulfilling.

tonight, i probably won't do anything productive either. Nephew #1 is coming over for a few hours.

funny story about my nephew (part of it's funny. most of it not so much): my sister was called into an after school meeting with my nephew's kindergarten teacher. he's not paying attention in class, and (my sister said the teacher really said this) he's scribbling rather than coloring within the lines so he can finish quickly and go play. also, the teacher was concerned that he's not keeping up with the other kids. the teacher handed my sister a list of words that says the kids should be able to read by this point, but, she said my nephew can't read them. as my sister is looking over the list, my nephew leaned over and read the words to his mom. it seems that he's just refusing to read them by saying that he can't. i laughed when my sister told me the tale, but she didn't think it was so funny.

last night, i had nightmares about Kendra (the Slayer called after Buffy died in season one) returning as a vampire. she had a huge vampire coterie under her command, and they were trying to capture me because i knew where the Gem of Amara was. they didn't catch me (came close a few times), but they did slaughter most of the people i work with (still trying to decide if that last part is a bad thing).

speaking of, Was Angel Right to Destroy the Gem of Amara?
Scooby Doo trailer.

Now who's the damsel in distress?

Thursday, March 14, 2002

anyone watch Celebrity Boxing last night? anyone doubt that Tonya and Todd would win? anyone else wish this show was Live Action Celebrity Death Match?
a few live-action Scooby Doo stills. Buffy's looking cute in the Grape Ape/Barney colors, but i don't remember the original Daphne Blake showing that much cleavage.

why does the name crack me up so much? why does Animated Lust have nothing to do with lust?

Wednesday, March 13, 2002

Tuesday, March 12, 2002

in case anyone's missed it, TVGuide print's current issue is "TV's Top MVPs 2002." named are James Marsters in Supporting Players and Joss Whedon in Writers (one of many sections absent from the Online article). listed in Faces to Watch are V'ulcan B'abe Jolene Blalock (with a *really* unflattering photo) and Kryptonian hottie Tom Welling.

also, there's an article commemorating the 25th anniversary of the debut of Three's Company, which i only mention to again say 'Joyce DeWitt for President in 2004!'

Monday, March 11, 2002

Crossroads and Crossroads, both films starring whores.
James Marsters is appearing on the cover of two magazines this month: Cinescape (scroll down) and Starburst.