Friday, November 22, 2002

I watched Ice Age last night. What a horrible movie. I was sad the entire time for the little squirrel-like beastie with the acorn.

The moral of that movie: Don't bother trying. Someone or something will always screw everything up for you.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

"Things You May Never Hear Me Say Ever Again" for $200, Alex.

I'm glad I get ESPN.

That's Max Kellerman of Friday Night Fights and Around the Horn.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

From a weekly Amber Benson e-digest thingie I'm subscribed to:

The Blank Theatre is doing a staged reading of "Albert Hall," a play written by Miss Amber Benson,
on Monday, November 25th at 8 PM. It is located at 2nd Stage Theatre, 6500 Santa Monica Blvd -
between Highland and Cahuenga in Hollywood, California.

They ask for a 8 dollar donation. The money goes to support The Blank and The Young Playwrights
Festival. You can make reservations by calling (323) 661-9827.

I've taken on a second job for a while to support my DVD set habit, so I was unable to be home to watch Buffy last night (it was the only Tuesday evening I'll ever have to work. My supervisor understood completely when I explained to her that I couldn't miss Buffy). I set the VCR, and confirmed that everything was correct, but somehow ended up with an hour of NickToons. No Buffy for me. I cried myself to sleep.

Monday, November 18, 2002

Last night's Angel was great, right up until that final scene. Blech. But how friggin' hot was Wesley-with-guns? Yum! Usually, I don't care for guns in my television, but if Wes want to take a glock after some demons while looking all scruffy scrumptious, I say go for it.