Friday, August 30, 2002

Tim Burton to direct Batman: the Musical.

i'm sad. that probably means no plastic nipple-suits and no homoeroticism.

on a less homoerotic front, here's the new Romulan Warbird from Star Trek: Nemesis.

Thursday, August 29, 2002

Buffy Casualties: Dead and Loving It! (may contain a casting spoiler).

this would be a better article if they'd gone through and listed every regular and guest star that had died over the course of the series. i'd like to know what Robia La Morte is up to.
commentary on "Real Me," "Fool For Love," "I Was Made to Love You," and "The Body."

see what's on the Region 2 Buffy season 5 DVDs that is being released in October and wish the British still ruled the world.

Wednesday, August 28, 2002

the company that owns my apartment building has decided to build a ramp from the handicapped-accessible parking to the building. it has taken a crew of six men four days to build the concrete ramp. during that time, they've had three equipment trucks, a trailor and a big monstrosity-machine taking up eight parking spaces, in addition to the four handicapped-accessible spaces and the two regular spaces bookending them that they've closed off.

speaking as someone whose father and grandfather were/are masons, carpenters, and worked extensively with concrete, and as someone who spent way too many summers in junior high and high school working on their crews, the ramp should have buildable by a one- or two-man crew, and it should have taken no more than two days to build it.

all this so i can bitch about having to park across the street last night because there were no parking spaces at my apartment.

Tuesday, August 27, 2002

samples from the "Once More, With Feeling" soundtrack, including the bonus tracks.

didn't think before clicking on the track from "The Gift." duh. it's the Buffy-death track. had to close the window quickly before i started sobbing.
i went into this thread knowing there'd be quotes and one-liners, but really, the first post takes it. no need to read beyond it.

Monday, August 26, 2002

Eliza Dushku is scheduled to appear on CBS' The Late Show With David Letterman tomorrow (Aug 27) night.
review of the Buffy Xbox game.

the boyfriend doesn't believe the Xbox will be around long, so he's resisting my demand to buy one. he says there aren't enough games available for it. i counter with 'But the Buffy game is the only one i'm gonna get anyway.' somehow, it's not convincing him.