Friday, April 19, 2002

ok, should be working. if not, let me know.

in happy news, the nominees (link changed 4/29/02) for the Hugo Awards were announced. "Once More, With Feeling" was nominated in the Best Dramatic Presentation catagory.

::segue:: the sorely missed Tinman sent to me a link to a transcript of BUFFY CONTRE LES VAMPIRES episode "Encore une fois, avec des sentiments". unfortunately, je ne parle pas français (bless the delightfully humorous Babelfish. here's a bit of the beginning of the episode Babelfished to English.).
no, wait, something's wrong. that means i'm a bigger numbskull than i thought.
woo hoo! fixed it! woo hoo!

(this is not a "Go, terrence!" woo hoo! it's a "Woo Hoo! Blogger's simple enough for a fucking numbskull like me to figure out!")
permalinks aren't working. archives aren't publishing. what's up with that?

Oh, and there are others: Joyce Summers, the only woman with a hairstyle older than the vampires, comes with . . . yep, you guessed it: That same damn hairstyle. Angel comes with clothing from and International Male. Cordelia comes in both classic uber-tan and the new 'Angel' version, it looks like there's nothing in the box but you have to wait a few weeks for her to show up again.

Joyce also comes with small ACE bandages and an assortment of burial shrouds :(

Angel comes with lots of hair gel. no two Cordelias come with the same outfit. Wesley comes with a tweed suit, but a year later the charcoal grey sweater will arrive, along with some little rubby stuff you can put on his face to make him look unshaven and disheveled. Gunn comes naked :P
someone needs to mass produce a Buffy the Vampire Slayer Style and Stake Center. i want one. my DEQ friend says:

You could style her hair and do her make up and get her out of that awkward and ugly skirt phase from last season. Plus there's a matching Willow with increasingly tacky clothes including a whole set of t-shirts with obscure and bizarre screenprints. And hats. Sorta the color-blind pagan hobo look. Tres chic! Xander comes with a recliner and a beer. Spike comes with only one outfit and Dawn comes with issues . . . Oh, and a naughty school girl outfit for the dads to play with.

i think the Willow add-on should also contain big fuzzy sweaters and coats and fur collar shirts. the Giles set will be a dazzling array of tweed suits.
happy birthday, Travis, wherever you are.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

today's a good day. i don't know why. nothing particularly good happened today (so far), but it's still a good day.
made a minor change to the navigation bar, just below the link to email me. yeah, it's a desperate attempt to get people to buy me things.
FOX has cancelled Ally McBeal. woo hoo! if only we could get FX to stop showing it, i'd be a happy terrence. especially if they'd move M*A*S*H to the former Ally timeslot and go back to showing two eps of Buffy each weeknight.

speaking of Buffy, i flipped over to FX last night to watch, saw which episode it was, and said "Ah, "Band Candy." Mikey, who professes a strong dislike for the show, happened to be walking through the room and he said "Ooh! I like this one!" as he plopped onto the couch and settled in. closeted Buffy lover!
he really does sing. i thought it was one of those internet hoax/joke things, but it really happens. [via Biggerhand, which i'm not sure how i found, but i did, and the photo in the upper left scares me for some reason]

Wednesday, April 17, 2002

these people irritate me.

give it up. Lorne Greene is dead. unless you're thinking of this one.

Tuesday, April 16, 2002

"Twentieth Century Fox is in final negotiations to ink producers Gil Netter and Wayne Rice and original scribe Philip Stark for a sequel to "Dude, Where's My Car?", the 2000 comedy about two sophomoric underachievers."

woo hoo!
all through Angel, the boyfriends kept saying "Wesley's gonna diiiieeee! Wesley's gonna diiiieeee!" my lamoid comeback was "Nuh uh! Shut up!" but he didn't. he even woke me in the middle of the night: "Wesley's gonna diiiieeee!" bah!

How is Spike so much worse than Angel? because Angel has a soul? where was that soul while Angel was trying to kill Wesley, huh? did it go on vacation with Cordelia? Angel is nearly as monstrous as Angelus.

still waiting for April 30 and new Buffy.

Monday, April 15, 2002

James Marsters, John de Lancie and Bruce Campbell scheduled to make appearances during season 3 of Andromeda
the Boyfriend and i watched Behind Enemy Lines this weekend. its runtime is only supposed to be 106 minutes, but it felt like three hours, probably because three quarters of the film is Owen Wilson running. Owen runs through a forest! Owen runs through a field! Own runs through a muddy field! Owen runs through yet another forest! Owen runs through a field, over a hill and into a forest! bah. the DVD special features include 90 minutes of deleted footage, all of it Owen Wilson running somewhere.
i thought i'd never see Jimmy Bond again! unfortunately, it means i have to see that skank Yves Harlow again. ok, i actually got all excited during the preview for next week's X-Files when i saw Langly, Byers and Frohike, and i even cheered when i saw Yves. yeah, she's a skank who put her skank hands on my Jimmy, but i missed her
someone's grouchy.