Thursday, February 27, 2003

CNN on Daredevil. Confirms my fears (no I still haven't seen it. Hush). I also overheard some people discussing the movie at an eatery around the corner from the cinema. The big thing I noted was that "Affleck doesn't fit the superhero" discussions.

I can still have hope for the Hulk movie, right?

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Hunter: the Reckoning (my brief review) has some sequels in the works.

For Xbox, Hunter: the Reckoning - Redeemer

For PS2, Hunter: the Reckoning - Wayward.

I enjoyed the first one on Gamecube, and I'm happy that there will be sequels. I have a second reason (again) to get an Xbox.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Yeah, I like dumb humor:

One day Count Dracula is walking down the street when suddenly 10 tons of smoked salmon sandwiches, sausage rolls, vol-au-vents, chicken wings, chipolatas, tomato salad, pizza slices and crisps descend on him from a great height and knock him to the ground.

"Oh no!" he gasps with his dying breath.... It's Buffet the Vampire Slayer!"
The Disco Dazzler!Had a nice post on why the next comic-to-screen superhero should be Dazzler, but Blogger ate it. All I have left is a link to a decent walkthrough of Dazzler's history (ignore the part about Dazzler: the Movie wrapping up her series. It didn't. Her title ran for another dozen issues or something). [here's also the cover to Dazzler #1]
Never trust (or like) anyone who says their favorite movie is "Halloween III."