Friday, December 22, 2000

man, no one liked Lindsey's hair before he cut it.
oy! a couple of things from Popbitch.
A seven-year-old boy from Tasmania, Australia, pulled out all of his teeth with pliers. The reason? He wanted the tooth fairy to come and leave him enough money to buy a Britney Spears CD.

Puffy this year claimed to be part Irish: "My name is Sean Coombs," he said, "so there's definitely an Irish connection there." Eejit.
ah dammit! i want one too! that's a cool looking toy.

and since Buffy's been mentioned, f.y.i., TVGuide named Buffy one of the top ten shows of the year, and mentioned the whole Bad-Ass-Who-Turns-To-Mush-When-Buffy's-Around Spike.
how cool is it to turn over your box of Kleenex brand facial tissue and find A Fun Fact About Germs from Bill Nye the Science Guy?

Thursday, December 21, 2000

have you ever wondered what it'd be like to own a set of ... uh..."silicon pleasure devices" molded in to the shape of some major Biblical figures? neither have i. but someone makes them. not for those without a perverse, sacrilegious sense of humor.

i'm going to hell for posting that link.
you know, it figures that i finally get irritated with Blogspot being down, that i move my blog to ::shudder:: Geocities, and as soon as i get it done, Blogspot's back up. maybe my blog was the one that was screwing everything up.
How the Angel Ended Up at the Top of the Christmas tree
hmm... seems she didn't like this week's Buffy too much.
Phew! Blog*Spot is back.
– Ev. [12/20/2000 8:32:00 PM]

my sisters say the same thing, Jean (about men, not the unicorn. i don't think my sisters watch Buffy). [dead link] Rich, though, is a generally helpful person, and he has a job like mine, in which he doesn't actually have to do much work.

growing up is over rated. i tried it for a while, but it sucked, so i regressed. it left its scars though.

i'm glad you dance to the Powerpuff Girls song, i'm glad you own more toys than both of my nephews combined, i'm glad you watch Saturday morning cartoons. if you'd turned into one of those old fogies like nearly everyone else we went to high school did, we'd have some serious problems. and my life would be much emptier for it.

Wednesday, December 20, 2000

cool! i found my first Conspiracy Theory website. aliens, bigfoot and JFK! woo hoo!
there's something very unnatural about drinking orange juice from a can.
it really sucks when you lose your pager. i'm feeling a bit depressed over it. i don't think i have the will to work today. i should go home.

Tuesday, December 19, 2000

i've come down with something again. it think it's a head cold, as i seem to have no respiratory troubles. i didn't sleep much last night, even after the Tylenol Cold and Flu Nighttime. liers they are.

additionally, i left the television on last night, and i woke up to Simon and Simon. not a pleasant experience.

Monday, December 18, 2000

chocolate milk! chocolate milk! yummy yummy chocolate skim milk!
by the by, i've moved. i'm now at Geocities. for now. [edit 6/10/05 - back for now at blogspot after all this time]

silly, naive Rich. it has nothing to do with democracy. we have troops there because some shadowy level of our government knows that, in that particular area, there are powerful demons bound to subterreanean prisons by ancient wards that are being weakened by some unknown force. that unknown force is also responsible for all the violence and bloodshed, as it's stinking taint corrupts everyone who lives in the area too long.

democracy be damned. we're trying to stop an ancient evil from conquering the Balkans.
wtf? for what? what the hell did he do to deserve to be Time's Person of the Year.

and take a look at the runners up (runner ups?), a.k.a, People Who Mattered (that's what they called it, not me). Yasser Arafat and Ehud Barak are both named for not negotiating peace. Eminem is named for....? i'm not sure. and Richard Hatch, for getting naked, i guess. Elian Gonzalez, for just existing.

there are some real choices, like Vicente Fox, Kofi Annan, and John McCain, but all the other names are dubious. they seem more like the nominees of entertainment magazines than for a serious (and respected) news magazine. maybe Time and AOL are a better match than previously believed.