Friday, June 07, 2002

Wanda has a brief gossipy bit on casting for the next season of Angel which ties into the whole cliffhanger season finale. [iow, may be considered spoilery by some]

Thursday, June 06, 2002

Buffy to Lighten Up: The show's sixth season ended with the death of Tara, the transformation of Willow to evil and the departure of Giles for good.

huh? did i miss something? he's gone for good?
i'm feeling especially foul-mooded today, so foul that it's an evil mood. not evil in a 'harm kittens' kind of way (that's waaay too evil for me). it's the type of mood in which the little tiny Arrogant Ass bit emerges to go forth hand-in-hand with the medium-size Contempt for People bit and the great big Potty Mouth bit. tagging along behind is the amorphous Want To Make People Cry bit.

[generic segue: Potty Mouth] the boyfriend has asked me to stop using the f-word. he thinks i use it too much. he's already convinced me to stop waving that naughty second finger at people, and i haven't in a few months (yay me!). i do, however, have to do something, and because the instinct/habit to lift my hand is still there, i now wave my uplifted index finger at people. get a lot of puzzled looks doing that.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

the Sarah Michelle Gellar episode of E!'s Revealed airs next Wednesday, June 12.

Tuesday, June 04, 2002

i noticed yesterday that the gubernatorial campaign headquarters for former-Congressioinal rep Steve Largent is only a few hundred feet from my apartment, and i'm torn between simple arson and firebombing, or maybe a daring raid by former military commandos and samurai.

Monday, June 03, 2002

from Dark Horizons: Ren and Stimpy (TV): TV Guide reports that Viacom have hired the show's creator John Kricfalusi to create new episodes (starting with a feature-length film) of the series for cable station TNN. The programs will air next year.

i looked briefly for the TVGuide article mentioned but couldn't find it (not that i did more than a cursory scan). still, if true, it's good news. Happy Happy Joy Joy!

Fox has updated it Firefly website.

ok, so the UK is getting the first 11 episodes of Buffy season 6 on video this month. the second half will be released in August. meanwhile, we (the region 1-ers) will be getting season 2 on DVD in eight days. that's EIGHT DAYS, on June 11. go buy it, everyone, so maybe they'll release season 3 in a few months.

Demon Island, a Nicholas Brendan film (really, check the poster). in case you missed, go out and rent Psycho Beach Party. Nick's in it too and i liked it.
woo hoo! good news for us EQers who play pet classes! the Boyfriend and i only yesterday were discussing the very problem of pets taking experience which exacerbates the slow-leveling problem for iksar, who already gain experience more slowly than any other race. he and i have been playing our main characters roughly the same length of time. his non-pet-using halfling is level 52, my pet-reliant necromancer only level 30. also, considering that my iksar necromancer spends most of his time soloing, it's a good thing that i no longer have to try to outdamage my pet. casters suck in the melee damage arena, and i'd rather save my mana for casting defensive root/fear or Get-Me-The-Fook-Outta-Here spells.
one of the local enternewsment broadcasts last night began with "Terrorists could be targeting bridges! The Coast Guard is on alert!" and then went on to describe how the collapse of the I-40 bridge last week has shown the Terrorists how vulnerable our bridges are. is this just a local thing, or are the national news programs saying the same thing?

so, the scene would be: Mr. Terrorist is sitting on his futon, drinking a wine cooler and watching the news. just after the reports on the amazing sunglasses-wearing, tree-climbing terrier and the results of the city-wide poll to determine whether Cheese Nips really are better than Cheez-Its, the bubbly news anchor is suddenly somber during the report that a bridge has collapsed and blah blah blah. Mr. Terrorist suddenly sits upright, and shouts "That's it! We shall destroy their bridges! Without bridges, the Americans will be unable to cross rivers and gorges! The Keys will be cut off from the rest of Florida! People will be trapped on Long Island, and others will have to take the long way to get from Oakland to San Francisco! What a brilliantly diabolical plan, and I must attribute the idea to NewsChannel 5's coverage of that story!"

does it make people feel safer to think that Terrorists are that fucking stupid? the local paper's Calls to the Editor section seems to always have someone complaining that the media shouldn't report Some News because it'll give the terrorists ideas. because, you know, they'd never thought to hijack planes and crash them into buildings until that CNN report on how to do it. damn, we'd better pull Volunteers from the video store shelves right away! geez, let's not report things like this, or the Terrorists may sneak into our country to rent fog machines and turn them against us!

i also like the "What You Can Do In Case of Biological Weapon Attack!" stories. like anyone would know it was happening until too late. "My god! Look at the giant green cloud of bacteria coming our way! Quickly, everyone into your biosuits!"

come on, people! wake up! don't you realize that your kids and grandchildren are going to be laughing at you in the future? this War on Terrorism is the duck-and-cover of the 21st century. heck, some of us have been laughing at you for a while. one day, when MTV wants to show its audience how relevant and cool it is, it'll trot out clips of you buying your gas masks and four hundred gallon jugs of water and your stupid little anti-Osama bumper stickers (because, of course, by laughing at how uncool you were, MTV will be proving how cool it is). it that the legacy you want, to be an MTV joke?

and back to the topic of collapsing bridges : The Mothman Prophecies should be out on DVD tomorrow.
beneath Clem's floppy ears and wrinkly skin is this.
[via Jean]