Thursday, June 06, 2002

i'm feeling especially foul-mooded today, so foul that it's an evil mood. not evil in a 'harm kittens' kind of way (that's waaay too evil for me). it's the type of mood in which the little tiny Arrogant Ass bit emerges to go forth hand-in-hand with the medium-size Contempt for People bit and the great big Potty Mouth bit. tagging along behind is the amorphous Want To Make People Cry bit.

[generic segue: Potty Mouth] the boyfriend has asked me to stop using the f-word. he thinks i use it too much. he's already convinced me to stop waving that naughty second finger at people, and i haven't in a few months (yay me!). i do, however, have to do something, and because the instinct/habit to lift my hand is still there, i now wave my uplifted index finger at people. get a lot of puzzled looks doing that.

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