Friday, November 16, 2001

today on the syndiBuffy double feature, "Earshot" and "Choices"
yay for word games! last Monday, my boss decided to have a contest to see who could find the greatest number of words hidden within the word "Veterans." thanks to Inge's Anagram Generator, our group won. we get to go home early today. yay!
happy birthday, Oklahoma! in celebration, here's a variety of links:

the Travel OK Infocenter with touristy-type information, or for those who intend never to visit this great state, few short facts (for those with short attention spans), or maybe you'd rather look at a pretty, colorful
shaded relief map or satellite image.

Betty's and Jim's Cool Data Page with buttloads of links on all sorts of topics, like Agriculture, Drugs, Education, Media, Politics, the State Budget and Weather, all focused around the Oklahoma City area because OKC is the only city in Oklahoma. really.

and here's a site that's not pretty and can't be considered exhaustive by any standard, but it does say "Oklahoma, during prehistoric times, as evidenced by the fossil record, was part of the great sea that covered it, Kansas, and Texas. Thankfully, God saw fit to uplift the land. It was a close vote but He also lifted up Texas too." anyone who recognizes Texas for the shite hole it is deserves a link on my blog.

not to give anyone the impression that i think Oklahoma is all hugs and puppies, i point out a letter concerning the "Joklahoma Legislatures" (Watts and Inhofe, specifically). and, just because i enjoy disliking the corrupt asshole so much, here's The Religious Freedom Coalition's "Two Faces of J.C. Watts Page"
the official Jason X website (Jason X: Evil Gets an Upgrade). there's a trailer there, but i can't watch it 'cause i'm not allowed to download quicktime. someone tell me if it's any good, please.
i think Oz was digging the leather clad Willow last night.

Thursday, November 15, 2001

tonight on FX's syndiBuffy double feature: "Doppelgangland", the first appearance of lesbian(esque) Willow, and "Enemies"
recap of "Tabula Rasa" is up. review comes tomorrow.
i have to say, i like the little pop up "In Season X, Buffy [did this]" promo thing at

go vote for the musical soundtrack to be released on CD, and while you're there, time's almost up to register for a chance to win a limited edition poster (eh, it's just more spam).
sometimes people just totally miss the point. (it's an Angel link).
because i already had last night's syndiBuffies on video, VSG and i watched movies all night. first up, A Knight's Tale. it spent a large portion of it's time trying to make you care. still, i couldn't. and what a pansy boy! a woman treats him the way Jocelyn does and he just takes it? co-dependent much, buddy? she isn't worth it. if she truly loved you, she wouldn't ask you to do something you don't want to do (more ABC After School Special stuff). my rating: i'd need a liter of rum to watch it again.

second: Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. this one left me cold. nothing exciting, nothing 'Oh cool!' about it, the story caused much confusion and i'd get pissed everytime someone called them monkeys instead of apes (including my roommates). didn't even get a half-bare Mark Wahlberg to make it better. i definitely prefer the original. Cornelius could kick Ari's ass easily, though Insane Chimp Possee Thade was frightening. plus, how can you not have Dr. Zaius?

also, the DVD extras sucked. yeah, there was all that behind-the-scenes stuff, and the interface was actually kind of cool, but the extended scenes weren't very interesting and talks with the stunt people alternated between nifty stuff and 'man, you think too much of yourself'. my ratings: film- though i give it no thumbs in either direction, i'd definitely choose this movie over "Seventh Heaven" or the "Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!". DVD extras: not worth the cost of the extra disc.

third movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas. i liked the costuming, the hair, and the sets. i was even able to tolerate Jim Carrey for most of it, but it ran too long. it felt like things were added in just to pad the film's running time. it's not a good thing to wonder for the third time "Is it almost over yet?" and Whos are annoying! how can anyone be that chipper all the time? to hell with the Whos!

DVD extras: children's games and sing-alongs. bleh. my ratings: film- it's Jim Carrey. i can't stand him usually. he's tolerable in this, so i'll rate this a "Buy it to occupy the nephews when they come to visit." DVD extras- i'd need illegal street drugs to keep me awake. boring. all digits down.

enjoy "Seventh Heaven meets the Taliban."

Wednesday, November 14, 2001

so tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature, we have "Bad Girls" (which i believe is the name of a popular webcam site) and "Consequences". taken together, those titles sound like something from the ABC After School Special library.

it's a good thing i have episode guides from two different sources. the FX guide is full of errors. it caused great confusion to see it list "Homecoming" tonight.

tomorrow, i'm hoping to feel less disease-ridden and more chatty.

good night everybody!
after watching "Helpless" last night on syndiBuffy, i have to say that i can't stand to see Buffy screaming and running like a girl when the vamp jumped her.
my employer offered it's minions free flu vaccinations (actually, it only offered them to one-third of us. the others will just have to take their chances). this was my first flu shot. it made my head hurt and caused me to feel nauseated. the nurse who administered the injection said it's nothing to worry about, but managed to take up half an hour of my time checking my pulse, my breathing, asking questions about my health, reminding me how pale i was looking, and a bunch of other things that make me a little nervous about this vaccine. i think that this will be my last flu shot. i'd rather suffer the flu.
welcome aboard!
did anyone else laugh so hard at the Scoobies-opening-the-door-and-screaming scene last night that, after the ep was over, you had to rewind because you laughed all the way through the rest of the scene and missed out on what happened? anyone else rewind and watch the screams a dozen times like me? god, that was funny.
here's a poster for the Scooby Doo movie.

Monday, November 12, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "Amends" and "Gingerbread"

and later, Darla continues her maternal visit to Big n' Broody Angel, which, i'm sure, will be great fun for everyone on Angel!
yeah, i like saying "kissing the kitty." i prefer that imagry to what was actually .. uh... fictionally .. going on.
the referral logs made me laugh way too hard today: "willow and tara what where they doing when tara was singing."

i think most people already have an idea, but if you don't know, you're probably too young to be asking that question. i can imagine, though, someone coming to my blog,, trying to get that question answered, and leaving wondering what i meant by "kissing the kitty."
next in the "Things That Keep Me Up At Night" series: what happened to Joyce's gallery? i thought she owned it, but it hasn't been mentioned since her death. does that mean she was just an employee? i must have missed that part somewhere.
bring on the speculation!