Saturday, May 19, 2001

sorry, folks. when i said in a post yesterday "Professor shot," i didn't mean the Professor from Gilligan's Island. i apologize for any confusion.
the drink of choice for the Buffy and Angel season finales watch party of one. it probably tastes like crap, but hey, gotta have a theme for the night.

Friday, May 18, 2001

woo hoo! thank you, sir, for the heads up.
i should probably stop emailing members of Congress, especially when it's just to send a link and say something like "how do you like them apples?" they may not like that, and they'll probably have some sort of Congressional Secret Police spirit me off to the secret Congressional Dungeon and Sacrificial Pit deep beneath the Capitol. if ever i vanish, that's probably where i am.
Another major set we toured was a faux-mountain top that comes into play at the movie’s end. Without mentioning any spoilers, we were told that this set involved a battle between Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and one of the bad guys, which Suckle describes as a “pretty balls-out, kick-ass fight…[a] really incredible comedic/action set-piece bringing together The Matrix and the WWF.” Part of this action scene will involve wire-work with a Hong Kong wire team.
a tour of the Scooby Doo set. i'm not sure what "balls-out" means (not in this context anyway), but i do know what "kick-ass" means, especially when used in tandem with SMG's name. i'd be pleased as peaches if it involved a staking, particularly of Freddy.

Prinze Jr., not Jones.
Professor shot.

The gunman selected the victim at random, shot him four times with a 9 mm semiautomatic pistol, placed a note by his body and then shot himself, Hall said.

The note said the gunman intended to kill an innocent person.
yesterday, UPN (among others) announced their 2001 fall line up. it includes a brief description of what went on behind the scenes in order for UPN to get Buffy. i didn't know network programming worked this way.

Section 31 has a more detailed description of the unveiling of Enterprise, along with a look at the title treatment. UPN is supposed to air a sneak peek at the series next Wednesday.

Thursday, May 17, 2001

[Faith Gimmill] is a member of the tribe of 10,000 in who live 15 villages spread across Alaska and Canada. Her people are close to the wildlife of the refuge that includes polar bears, musk ox, wolves, and moose. They are particularly close to the 160,000 Porcupine caribou that migrate in large herds from the ANWR to near the Gwich‘in villages.

Alaska has experienced a number of oil spills, 17,000 in the North Slope since 1972 according to The Last Great Wilderness Project. The most recent one occurred earlier in April of this year.

from the Native American Times article by David M. Scholes
i hope she gets to feeling better.
heh. a joke
something new to waste my time on: PicRave (thanks a lot Metafilter).

I like to play the guitar. Chicks love guitars, hopefully. Maybe I can play you a song, hopefully. Or I can tell you all about root beer. Or maybe we could go running, since I am a runner. Consumption sumption what's your function? this guy sounds like loads of fun.

you must enjoy macaroni and cheese, shave with pear scented skintimate, have flannel jammies and refer to yourself as "the bestest hoo-hoo-nanny this side of detroit". knows what he wants, though i'm getting an Oedipus vibe from this one.

I'm unemployed and live with my parents! I do make web pages for companies in my spare time, but basically I am a loser. a little down on himself, i think.

this guy is from the Home of Happiness.

and so, after a wasted hour, i stop.
my boss came by to give me my weekly free copy of the print TVGuide (just try to beat my benefits package!), he enters my cubicle, raises his eyebrow and says "I know which one you want" before tossing down a copy with Jeri Ryan on the cover.

wrong, bub. i want the Kate Mulgrew. seriously, who wouldn't? Kate could kick Jeri's butt easily, and, as far as i'm concerned, Kate has better hair.

ever the ones to capitalize on one of the hokiest "Collectible" items ever (anyone remember 24 covers in one week for "The Simpsons"?), TVGuide Online has an exclusive 4th "Bon Voyager" May 19th issue cover in a collectible box for only $20.

btw, i was unaware that Jeri was a former Miss Illinois.
Wolverine's getting an origin.
Smallville has a website up. looking at that photo makes me miss Dean as Superman.

UPN has scooped up the WB-cancelled Roswell, possibly influenced by the 12,000 bottles of Tabasco sauce that fans sent in. it looks like the WB's line-up will be heading off to UPN, except for Angel, of course. UPN may be cancelling Celebrity Deathmatch, which really sucks because i still haven't seen my fantasy deathmatch: Kristy "Movie Buffy" Swanson vs. Sarah "Ass Kicking Series Buffy" Gellar. well, that or Pope John Paul II vs. John and Paul from the Beatles.

X-Files will be back for another season, with considerably less Mulder. The Tick is expected finally to premiere (yippee!), and The Lone Gunmen is expected to be dropped. excuse me while i enter catatonia. i'm holding out hope that the last one will prove to be false. i need my weekly Jimmy fix, dammit!
Christian Rock music has destroyed many lives.
maybe Buffy should move from Sunnydale to Hollywood.

Wednesday, May 16, 2001

btw, i figured out the Wolf, Ram and Hart thing before Wesley did. neener!

and today is David Boreanaz's birthday. he looks good for 240-something (and he looks good for 30 too).
ok, i did panic a little last night at the end of Angel.

for some Buffy talk, go see what Jean has to say (at the link above). don't miss Buffy next week. it's the showdown between Buffy and Glory, and from the previews, it looks like it's going to one kick ass battle.
i didn't realize that he's been in-the-closet.
[gratitude to Max for the link, and the intense feeling of being excluded from the party. why didn't someone tell me that, until now, he was still ambiguous or uncomfirmed or whatever? maybe i should watch more television. oh, and by the way, i actually already do know Shaggy's name.]
El presidente has nominated John Walters to be the U.S. Drug Czar. Don Hazen gives ten reasons for the Senate to reject Walters.

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

E! Online asks Joss and the Scoobies some questions (yay for Tara!)
bloody hell, they're moving Angel to Mondays, which Roswell will soon vacate (so long, big-eared alien boy), and putting Smallville in Angel's old spot. Smallville will not fit with Buffy the way Angel did, so this will totally screw up my Tuesday nights, and the rest of the week will go with it without Voyager on Wednesdays and the possibility of The Lone Gunmen not coming back at all. my entire week may be shot this fall. of course, Quantum Trek is supposed to premiere, and there is a chance that Gunmen will be back (i need my weekly Jimmy fix), so maybe it won't be too bad, but my Mondays and Tuesdays will definitely be screwed up.

some Smallville info: the show will have Lana Lang and not Lois Lane as previously reported, and Luke Duke will be Clark's pa. also, the 15 year old Clark will be played by a 24 year old actor who does not look to be anywhere near 15. and this is the guy that's going to be Lex Luthor? don't really get that menacing, evil guy vibe from him (maybe that's why he's also a good guy, voicing the Flash for JLA).

Monday, May 14, 2001

an email making the rounds at work:

  1. You're Different -- And That's Bad
  2. The Boy Who Died from Eating All His Vegetables
  3. Robert: Dad's New Wife
  4. Fun Four-Letter Words to Know and Share
  5. The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking
  6. Kathy Was So Bad That her Mom Stopped Loving Her
  7. Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence
  8. All Cats Go to Hell
  9. The Little Sissy That Snitched
  10. Why Can't Mr. Fork and Mrs. Electrical Outlet be Friends?
  11. That's It, I'm Putting You Up for Adoption.
  12. Grandpa Gets a Casket
  13. 101 Things You Can Do at the Bottom of the Pool
  14. The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator
  15. Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear
  16. The Pop-Up Book of Human Anatomy
  17. Strangers Have the Best Candy
  18. Whining, Kicking and Crying to Get Your Way
  19. You Were an Accident
  20. Things Rich Kids Have, But You Never Will
  21. Daddy Drinks Because You Cry
  22. Your Nightmares Are Real
  23. Where Would You Like to be Buried?
  24. You've Got Hepatitis B, Charlie Brown
  25. Valuable Protein and Other Nutritional Benefits of Things from Your Nose

Authorities expressed shock Friday about the abuse of a 13-year-old developmentally disabled boy who was hog-tied to a tree and hit with balls, fists and spraying water while family members and friends videotaped the actions.

In a court affidavit, Detective Diane Young said the victim told her that Richter and Cy Zezza tied him to a tree in the front yard on Brookline in east Bartlesville and struck him with tennis balls and a basketball they threw at him.

The boy had a rope burn on his left shoulder and three rope burns on his abdomen when he was interviewed by child welfare authorities, they said.

The videotape, seized by police, shows the victim crying in pain and tied with rope at his hands and feet. At one point, his attackers picked up the screaming boy by his hands and feet.

Several times the boy was sprayed in the face with a water gun. The video also shows Cy Zezza punching the victim, according to a court affidavit.

Police said Richter told them that he tied the victim to a tree but said his hands were free and that they were playing catch with him, the court affidavit stated. Richter later told police he was punishing the boy "for cussing in his house," according to the affidavit.

[Police Lt. Steve] Johnson said he is not aware of any calls coming into the police Detective Division about the abuse case, despite the fact that the video shows cars and a bicycle passing by the house while the boy lay screaming in the front yard.
(see article, though i've posted most of it)(by the by, emphasis mine)

that the mother allowed her friends to do this while she and others watched doesn't suprise me. i've long ago accepted that some people are monsters who do this type of thing, but, motorists and bicyclists passed by. neighbors must have heard the screaming. someone had to have seen this happening, yet no one called the police. they looked away and let the monsters go about their work. i hate people.
in the last two months, there have been 25 burglaries in the area that i'm moving into at the end of this month. go me for finding the crime hotspots.
if you were a Thundercats fan like me, here are some audio outtakes that aren't for kids.
Paramount's finally made it official.
Douglas Adams died over the weekend.

Sunday, May 13, 2001

i spent the day at my grandparent's. i hadn't been there in quite a while, so my grandfather wanted to show me around and point out some of the changes and improvements he and my grandmother had made to the farm. afterwards, he, my uncle, my mom's man and i sat on the porch. they talked while i listened. i discovered that fathers and grandfathers actually do sit around and discuss power tools. i always thought that that was something like a folk tale, but they really do.

today was a good day, all in all. mothers and grandmothers are the best. especially grandmothers, constantly asking "are you eating enough?" and "do you want me to send some [insert name of grandmotherly food] home with you?"