Friday, October 12, 2001

remember the Fourth grade competition thing i talked of earlier this week? my boss's boss's boss called me personally and guilted me into going (i'd decided not to participate). turns out it was a good thing i did. my idea for the design of the balloon tower and my vast knowledge of American history won the day. the team I was on (Team Liberty. i didn't name us) won, and we get to go home now. yay! so i'm off!

eh, shit. just noticed my permalinks aren't working. i'll fix that next week.

Disconnecting for the weekend....

more Enterprise stuff: Braga Talks Enterprise Theme

Brannon Braga told the Calgary Sun that he's aware of some fans' unhappiness with the UPN series' opening theme song, Faith of the Heart, by Dianne Warren. [He said] "There are some people who love the song."

someone should tell him that his wife and Dianne Warren don't count.
Jason Bates' review of "Strange New Worlds" (this week's Enterprise ep); it has a couple of points, but really isn't a good review, and it actually miffs me off because of this:

"You'd think this would be a tremendous moment in human history, equivalent to Columbus' landing in America -- Earth is nothing if not horribly overcrowded, and a brand new, unclaimed planet with no inhabitants would be a panacea. Or is whatever government that exists at this early stage of the Federation so efficient that is has solved world hunger, poverty, etc. Or does Earth have colonies outside its system already, which is sort of implied by the 'boomers' they keep mentioning. These are important question that never seem to get addressed and whatever has been printed in some interview does NOT count since this is a review of the show, not what you read in a magazine somewhere. "

i say, dude, watch the pilot episode again and get over your (literal) masturbatory detox rub down scene fantasies and your (figurative) masturbatory "What I'd like to see in this series/what I don't want to see in this series" review. it's made quite clear in "Broken Bow" that Earth has taken care of it's poverty-war-disease-hunger thing.

what the heck do you expect? for Archer and crew take the shuttlecraft down and immediately begin surveying a location for the capitol of New Earth (they were there for less than two days)? or do you do a cursory exploration of the planet surface to compile a report to send back to Earth and let the bigwigs back home make the decision about further exploration and colonization while you continue your mission of exploration of space?

i think Mr Bates just didn't do his homework, like he threw something together at the last minute hoping teacher would go easy on him since he's done well before.

of course, i'm the lamoid asshole who's reviewing someone's review of a television program.
Sarah Kuhn's review of Monday's Angel episode "That Old Gang of Mine". she had the same likes and dislikes about the ep that i did.
if ever i needed a reason to start watching baseball again...

Thursday, October 11, 2001

time to go home.

tonight on syndiBuffy: "Some Assembly Required." see the excitement of Joyce buying a new vacuum cleaner and trying to figure out those damned instructions.
quote of the day:

My dear child, religion is a wonderful thing. It sustains us, brings us joy, and helps in everyday life. But so do your genitals. Keep them both to yourself and don't flop them around in polite company. There is a time and place to let them both out freely."
Sarah Kuhn's reviews of Tuesday night's Roswell (subtitled "Born to be miiiiiiiild!" heh.): "First of all, I understand the rationale behind putting flashbacks and present day events on different film stock, but aren't the flashbacks supposed to be on the grainy, Homicide-esque stock?"


Buffy: "Buffy's back, and busily acting like the main character in a Lifetime TV movie. She's near-catatonic, she barely speaks, and gazes upon everyone with empty, deadened eyes."

" My only big beef is Anya's post-possession outfit (frilly flowered shirt paired with pin-striped pants), which can only be described as "Hawaiian go-go dancer meets business casual." "
ok, been considering something this morning that threatens to become one of those 'Things That Keep Me Up At Night.' if Vulcans mate only every seventh year, how is it that a Vulcan couple gets their mating cycle synchronized? do young Vulcans put ads in the the Pon Farr Times: "SVM seeking logical, detached and efficient female who mates during late August/early September of 2006, 2013, etc. I am a logical, detached and efficient male who enjoys lifting my eyebrow, saying 'fascinating' and being condescending to humans. ISO same. include photo with reply."

Wednesday, October 10, 2001

tonight begins Season Two on FX's syndiBuffy: "When She Was Bad," she was still Very good.
sometimes, i really hate my job. they're trying to make me participate in some silly little intra-corporate competition on Friday where we have teams and we do things like race while balancing eggs on spoons.

um... hello? fourth grade, anyone?
ok. geocities is giving me crap, so i've had to put this off site over at blogspot: finally, my Buffy reviews. forgive the appearance of the page, but i was rushed. eventually, i set up something of my own on-site, but until then, it's there.

work in progress. eventually, i'll get more than just the current episodes up, and probably an index of some time, and maybe make the page look snazzier (if i ever have the time).
i watched the season premiere of Roswell last night. i'd only seen two episodes before, and i've been told they weren't particularly good episodes, but i liked last night's. that's a good thing, considering i didn't know what was going on. the acting was good, and Jason Behr looked hot. what more do i need to know?
i was in a minor car accident last night. this is the second in about three months. i've only owned my car for six months. in the nine years of driving before i bought this car, i'd been involved in two accidents (i was at fault in neither). leads me to believe that there's something about this car that attracts other vehicles, or maybe vehicles with dumbass drivers. however, having been hit twice now, i know that my car can take a good hit. the 17-or-so year old girl who sideswiped me did so with a good solid impact, and the only damage to my car was some scratching on the side of the front bumper to complement that scratching on the rear bumper from the last accident.

the girl was terrified. it was her first accident. she was fortunate that it happened with someone who like me who didn't scream and yell at her. the poor girl could barely write her name down for me. i did my best to soothe her. i told her it was no big deal, explained what she was required to do, explained what her options were and told her that, because there really wasn't any damage to my car, i won't report it to the insurance company.

i lied of course. i'm going to milk this for every single penny i can get out of it. hey, she looked to have wealthy parents. what can i say?

for those who don't know, i'm kidding.

anyway, if you're in the market for a new car, go with a Ford. they can take a hit (do you think Ford would want to use that as a slogan?).
the slaughter begins...

The Daniel Stern sitcom has become the first casualty of the new season - CBS has yanked the show after two episodes. [Dark Horizons]
an interesting tidbit in the Pokemon article linked by Jonno:

"In 1991, an American woman named Dianne Neale suffered seizures from hearing Entertainment Tonight co-host Mary Hart's eerily perky voice. Her doctors said Hart's electronically transmitted voice triggered Neale's epilepsy by creating abnormal electrical charges in her brain (MSNBC 1997)."

this isn't news. she does the same thing to me and millions of other people.
i've always thought that Spike was cool, but i can't stop praising him to everyone. Spike rocks.

Tuesday, October 09, 2001

finally, this (work)day ends.

with Blogger being up and down for fixin', i didn't get the chance to add Roswell to the Tonight on TV on the sidebar. it's third season premiere is tonight after Buffy.

tonight's new Buffy is "After Life"

and on tonight's syndiBuffy: "Prophecy Girl" -- Buffy faces her deadliest enemy to date: Miss Cleo!
today is my best mate's birthday.
that smile doesn't look sincere, does it?playful Briansweet Brian

isn't he a cutie?
happy birthday, buddy.
the Key explores the supernatural without big sis.
"The Might of Minear
Angel scribe Tim Minear talks cameos, directing Joss Whedon, and what it means to be The Darla Guy."
chimney cheese! it's only 11 fucking 20! i asked the boss to shift my schedule up from 9 to 6, to a more syndiBuffy-accessable (i'm pathetic, i know) 7 to 4. that two hours makes a big difference. not only is it still dark when i awaken, but the day draaaaaags by. it feels like it's been 3 weeks since i got here this morning. my coffee buzz has already worn off!
Choire says "Terrence will edit the in-house newspaper and adjudicate all disputes." i'm not so sure i'm qualified for that first part. i like to get creative in my spelling, and make up words ('corndogalicious' anyone?) and i use hyphens way-too-much, and somehow every post i write comes back to Buffy, and i babble a lot.

the second part though i could handle. adjudicating all disputes would make me a judge. *The* Judge. yes, i will rid the world of the plague of post-apocalyptic, nuclear-winterized humanity!

see. every post comes back to Buffy somehow.
blogger's being disagreeable this morning. won't let me update my template.

instead, i'll say that i saw Cats and Dogs with VSG. it's one of those movies i'd watch with my nephews, ya know, but i *loved* the Ninja Cats! any cat that can do a flying kick is ok in my my book.

Monday, October 08, 2001

tonight on syndiBuffy: "Out of Sight, Out of Mind," the Buffy special dealing with Xander's nasty case of crabs.
TNG A1 for TNN; Michael Clarke Duncan in a thong; Seven sells stuff in online auction.
Sarah Michelle Gellar clipage from the BBC.
[Buffster talk via Jean, who's quite pleased, i'm sure, with the True Love clip]
Alyson Hannigan explores Papua New Guinea (too late to see it. i just thought it a strange combination).

Buffy's Back. E! TV profiles SMG, and "everything you've ever wanted to know about the cast and the successful series."
you know why the Emmys keeping getting postponed, don't you? karmic retribution for not nominating Buffy.

leave me alone with my delusions.
a website dedicated to a specific episode? Hush: A Special Buffy