this sent me into a coughing fit.
segue: i found this at Best Buy yesterday (what? you think i stay cooped up while sick?). it was a tough decision, but i decided instead on the memory upgrade for the computer. still, i'll have to go back for it sometime.
Thursday, April 11, 2002
bronchitis. strep throat. sinus infection. asthma triggered by afore mentioned bronchitis. i feel worse than doo doo right now. i blame the Girl Scouts. Mikey brought home some of their diabolical confections recently, and i gave in to the tempation. now i'm diseased. eeevil little girls.
the only thing the doctor gave me is antibiotics. if i were a doctor, everyone, no matter what ailment they seek treated, would get some Rx that causes hallucinations, or severe loopiness in the least. what's the fun of prescription medicine if it doesn't come with "Warning! Do not operate heavy machinery!"?
the only thing the doctor gave me is antibiotics. if i were a doctor, everyone, no matter what ailment they seek treated, would get some Rx that causes hallucinations, or severe loopiness in the least. what's the fun of prescription medicine if it doesn't come with "Warning! Do not operate heavy machinery!"?
Monday, April 08, 2002
there's a bluejay building a nest in the redbud tree just off my balcony. the nest will be less than five feet from the railing. it's fascinating to watch the little bugger tearing twigs from other parts of the tree and pulling grass from the ground below, then spending what feels (to me) like hours positioning that one little piece properly.
you know what movie sucked? Black Knight. i'm not talking about historical inaccuracies. i just mean that Martin Lawrence sucks. suuuuuucks!