Friday, December 08, 2000

Curious George W. Bush.

[thanks Dean]
thanks, guy. i haven't seen Run Lola Run yet. the ending has been ruined for me. now i know how Jean felt after i spoiled Dogma for her.
"I couldn't go down to the bar because there were too many fans. So I would just sit in the room, watch a movie and drink a shot of Jack (Daniels) or a beer."- A.J. McLean, Backstreet Boy, whining about how hard his life is.

he couldn't go down to the bar because there were too many fans? when did they start letting 15 year old girls into bars?

my theory: he couldn't go down to the bar because he knew he'd get his ass kicked, because EVERYONE who isn't a 15 year old girl would love to kick the crap out of a Backstreet Boy. or two. or five.

[link snatched from this guy]
what the fuck is this? a review of X-Men: The Hidden Years issue #14. read the last line.

someone at Marvel should die for that, a long painful, gorey death. there's only one Dazzler, as SHE sure as hell isn't Warren's uncle.

Thursday, December 07, 2000

okey doke.... Jean has to mention something about some spoilers for Buffy. she makes it out to be all terrible and wonderful, so i get excited and try so hard to resist. i couldn't though, so i follow the link and am soon faced with hundreds of posts. then my natural lazy-slackerness kicks in and i lose all interest because i'd have to work to find it. praise to being a part of GenX.
eeg! it's not that i didn't bother to introduce you and Brian. it's more about trying to convince two fairly anti-social type people to stop being anti-social. didn't have that problem with Mikey though. he likes meeting new people.

i should have tried harder though with Brian. but you'll meet him. i promise.

by and by, did i mention that i know Rich through Brian? that's close, isn't it?
American Astronaut: Sundance Lab alum Cory McAbee's campy musical set in outer space.

sounds like something i'd want to see. hooray for Sundance!

thanks to this guy for the link.
ewww! A.J. has turned out to be the Backstreet Boy who is my Soul Mate. i was hoping i'd get to the end and it'd say something like "None of the Above; Go to the LFO test." dammit. A.J.'s nasty!
in the same vein as Playcow and Naked Dancing Llama is - where prawn goes porn!
link via Web Queeries
i've just taken an test that says i may not really be me! how cool!
wow! Hillary Clinton is reponsible for JFK Jr's death, as well as Rudolph Giuliani's marital woes. she has much more up her sleeve though.

Wednesday, December 06, 2000

an 8 or so minute film you gotta see: The adventures of Fife Vanderplough, the 300-pound wild, naked boy of the Lemondrop Forest."

oh yeah, i stole the link from this guy.
well, Rich, i can assure you that I didn't do whatever it is you're talking about (something about archives). actually, she did it all for me. she's sweet like that.

oh! how rude of me. Jean, meet Rich. there, now everyone who bothers to read my blog knows each other.
i just received an email from The Boss. sometime within the next week or so, they will be installing a security camera in our department because A Truly Evil Being™ used someone's computer last night and changed their network password.

since i work with people who aren't overly computer savvy, i think it's more likely that the person changed his or her password and forgot what he or she changed it to.

i seriously doubt that some Hacker is going to take the time to break in, figure out someone's password, do whatever Evil Things it is that a Hacker would do at TVGuide, then change the Victim's password, thus tipping off everyone that a Hacker was there.

it's so frustrating working with people who can't think.

The A-List Fan Club: is this for real? it makes me want to hurt someone.
i doubt an animated Spike, et. al. would look as good as the real thing. it's only Spike that matters though. [from Matt]

Tuesday, December 05, 2000

just for the hell of it, i did a search for naked dancing llamas. and there's actually such a place.

The Naked Dancing Llama Homepage
Tori Spelling called the next Lucille Ball

um... yeah.
Have a very Wookie Christmas: i didn't get to see this way back when, since i was only a youngin', but geez i wanna see it now. i don't care how bad it was. i love bad Holiday specials.
this guy has some time on his hands.

Henry Lim's LEGO Sculptures. [link ganked from Ernie who pilferred it from Ritchie]

since she's doing it, so will i, just to demonstrate how odd i can be.
    My Top Five Guilty Pleasures

  • pokemon. i love pokemon, especially Gengar. but i'll deny it to anyone who asks.
  • tiramisu. tiramisme? yes, tiramisu!
  • Paul and Jan Crouch. not even Paul so much as his crack-whore partner on their gold-plated set, crying and begging for people to send money to Jesus, via the Crouches. they piss me off royally, but there's just something fascinating about watching the crack-whore cry all the time.
  • Celine Dion. some of her music actually. yes, i am ashamed.
  • Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman. more specifically, wishing i could wear the cat-wear and look as good as she did.
The IMDb says that Nutty Professor II: The Klumps is "one of the top-grossing comedies of the year". i was getting really pissed about that until i reread it and saw all the qualifiers:

"one of the top-grossing comedies of the year [this year]."

whew! that's like saying "my right hand is one of the most useful hands on my body." it really doesn't mean anything, does it?

and that's good, because that movie fucking sucked! yes, there were some funny scenes, and a few funny lines, but the whole damned movie revolved around fart jokes! a few such jokes can be humorous, but when a significant portion of your movie relies on them, then your movie fucking sucks, fucking sucks, fucking sucks! sequels often don't live up to the original, and The Klumps is no exception, falling far short, but come on! i didn't think that highly of the first one! how hard could it be!


another night of not sleeping well.

on top of being tired, it's hard for me to pay attention to what i'm supposed to be doing. since getting to work today, i have checked my email, and learned some more about tables and frames, and cleaned up a few mistakes i made in this. sounds semi-productive, i know, but my boss would disagree.

i want a nap. but since i can't take one, i'm going to have to pledge to myself that i WILL take something to help me sleep tonight so i can be all fresh and perky tomorrow.

Monday, December 04, 2000

this made me laugh, but then again, i'm a perv.
i think i just found a new addition to my daily read:

The Daily Guerrilla Journal (from November 1999)
  • Recovering alcoholic and former cocaine addict George W. Bush is complaining bitterly about the "ambush questions" he was asked last week by a television news reporter concerning the names of four foreign heads of state. Bush knew only one (Taiwan's Lee Teng-hui), and looked like a deer in the headlights as he demonstrated his lack of knowledge about world events. But later, when asked how many grams are in an ounce, Bush perked up, immediately answering "twenty-eight."

that cracked me up.
Corby Baker's: Fortune

it's only three pages so far, but i'm already interested in seeing more. plus, the art is fabulous.

dammit! i said it! at least this deserves it.

i love when she lets the Bitch out!

although i've read part of the novel, and seen the first move, i won't say anything about Dune and ruin it for you. mainly because i was never sure about what was going on.

i just didn't get that whole "reactor-core-meltdown-destroys-the-last-of the-resistence-and-everyone-dies" thing.

just kidding, Jean.

i was faced with a difficult decision last night. in the end, i chose X-Files and Queer as Folk over Dune, partly because my two previous attempts at understanding the whole Dune thing didn't quite work out, and partly [mainly] because, once X-Files came on, i didn't even think about it.

for those who didn't see QAF:
  • the soundtrack was great.
  • i'm hoping they do something to fix the Brian character's personality, like train the actor to act.
  • the comic-book-reading, semi-geeky, sort-of-cute, career-in-retail Michael character sounds like ...::ahem::... someone i used to know.
  • and Sharon Gless was faboo! (sorry, i just couldn't bring myself to say 'fabulous!'). now we just need Tyne to show up.

heck, why not turn this to mass production? then we can all have our Own Personal Jesus .
i was unable to pull myself away from this.

i'm so tired that i didn't even think to stop reading it, though i care nothing for horse racing. or any other sport for that matter.

Sunday, December 03, 2000

Lesson Taught This Weekend
"You look really good in dim light" is not a compliment.