Friday, June 28, 2002

my birthday is coming up (in just over four months) and this book or one similar to it would be a perfect gift. or a Xbox, but i'll probably have one of those before i reach the hallowed birthday season. i'll probably end up buying the book long before then too.

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

a two month old rundown of music television, this could be useful to someone like me who thought MTV had ruined music television. there really are alternatives (though given time, i'm sure MTV will ruin even that)! i actually figured that out last night when watching the TVGuide Channel (yeah, sometimes i just watch the listings scroll by. it's relaxing, almost mesmerizing...) and saw the listing for MTV Español. in two hours, there wasn't a single Shakira, Ricky Martin, Jennifer Lopez or Enrique Iglesias video. i didn't recognize any of the artists, of course, but it was good stuff. the videos were fun to watch, without the "This Is High Drama/See How Deep and Real We Are" of too many of their American counterparts and the artists were chosen for their musical talent and not their ability to look good in a white tank and ballcap. because i couldn't understand what was being sung (me español is no muy good), i wasn't shouting "Who the @%$*! wrote these *&$%#! piece of ^&$*!#( lyrics?!?" and, when you don't know what they're singing about, you can make up your own storyline to the video.
saw a prostitute working the corner in front of the supermarket near my apartment last night. she looked to be wearing the same thing Sharon Stone wore during the Basic Instict-leg-uncrossing scene, except the 'tute* was also wearing matching thigh boots and big, teased haired with a large hot pink bow.

* 'tute' because calling her a whore feels so rude.

Tuesday, June 25, 2002

awww.... photos of SMG when she was younger (and one of Seth Green?).
woo hoo! Farscape season one DVD set to be released October 29 (just in time for my birthday!)

Blade as a television series? don't we already have someone kicking vampire ass on television? ahh! but this one would have lots of swords, right, and probably use firearms?

Monday, June 24, 2002

as i sat at a stoplight while returning from lunch today, i was stuck behind a minivan full of clowns. real, honest to the evil-that-they-are, make-up and wigs clowns. it was horrible. visions of Killer Clowns From Outer Space flashed before me.
Buffy related stuff:

Buffy Cast Teases New Eps.

Joss will finish Fray

A little makeup, a lot of soul. an Andy Hallett article
from Dark Horizons:

Batman Beyond: Year One: 'Bat in the Sun' productions have created this independently-made "Batman Beyond" flick which'll make its premiere in August at the San Diego Comic-Con. An official site with trailers is now up.
i have fleas!

well, i found a flea on me this morning. i have no pets, though one of the women who sits nears me here at work took in a puppy this weekend. she's probably the flea-ridden one. she and her puppy need a nice, medicated dip. i'll be very unhappy if any of the little beasties end up in my apartment.

connecting pet and apartment... i think the boyfriend wants to get a pet. he's been dropping little hints like "We should get a cat" and "I want a cat." i was beginning to cave (how do you resist when he nuzzles up to you and says it in a pouty little voice?) so i offered a compromise: we have to get a bigger place first. Mr. or Mrs. Cat won't be allowed into the bedrooms (allergy issues) and he or she will need plenty of space. also, Cat will be the boyfriend's dependent since i'm not responsible enough to remember to feed and clean up after another creature (ick). i'm too young to be a parent.