Monday, June 24, 2002

i have fleas!

well, i found a flea on me this morning. i have no pets, though one of the women who sits nears me here at work took in a puppy this weekend. she's probably the flea-ridden one. she and her puppy need a nice, medicated dip. i'll be very unhappy if any of the little beasties end up in my apartment.

connecting pet and apartment... i think the boyfriend wants to get a pet. he's been dropping little hints like "We should get a cat" and "I want a cat." i was beginning to cave (how do you resist when he nuzzles up to you and says it in a pouty little voice?) so i offered a compromise: we have to get a bigger place first. Mr. or Mrs. Cat won't be allowed into the bedrooms (allergy issues) and he or she will need plenty of space. also, Cat will be the boyfriend's dependent since i'm not responsible enough to remember to feed and clean up after another creature (ick). i'm too young to be a parent.

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