Saturday, November 11, 2000

"Hello, sir. I'm Officer David Bricman with the Bourbon City Police Department. The reason I stopped you was because you were driving at 86 miles per hour in a posted 70 miles per hour zone"

Feigned suprise. "I was?"

"Yes, is there a reason you were driving so fast?"

"Well, I was singing. I guess I stopped paying attention to how fast I was driving."

"Singing? What were you singing?"

"'I'll Cover You.'"

Quizical brow.

"It's a showtune."

"Ah. Well, sir, this two mile stretch of I-44 in Missouri has had more deaths on it in the last two years than any other highway..."

Begin the half hour lecture about the statistics, causes and effects of accidents on this stretch of road, and pointing out the cemetery a quarter mile up the road that I can't see because it's 10:00p.m.

Finally it ends.

"Here you go, sir." He hands me a $130 ticket. :Be carefull, and have a good night."


Friday, November 10, 2000

a point of pride....

nearly a year ago, on the Aberrant forum at, a great controversy began because a new book had been released that revealed that Divis Mal, most powerful Nova on earth, is gay. people were having little fits, posting on a thread called "Divis Mal is gay? What the fuck!!" where they argued that he couldn't posiibly be gay because he's the most powerful Nova. the inanity of that point wore on as people argued about it.

it frustrated me. it was stupid to argue it that way. if you want to argue about the morality of homosexuality, that's one thing, but to argue that a powerful and important character in a role-playing game couldn't possibly be gay because he is powerful and important is just idiotic. and not idiotic in a geeky fan-boy kind of way. just idiotic.

so, immediately following that thread, i began another called "Divis Mal has arms? What the fuck!!", the argument, of course, being that he couldn't possibly be the most powerful character because he has arms, and that he is a freak for it. just as inane as the thread preceding it.

now it's a running joke on the forum. every once in a while, somone posts that they are an Armed freak or a normal Armless person, and it begins a faux "armophobic" argument. it's fun.

now though, the "i have arms!" declaration has moved beyond the forums and into the real world. it's becoming a running joke, not only among non-Aberrant players, but among non-gamers too.

i'm like a proud papa. i've given birth to a little bit of geekdom. er- or would that make me a proud mama? anyway, i've decided that it will probably be my only lasting contribution to the world.
today marks the five month mark since Mikey and i met. happy day to us.

i got a little postcard in the mail a couple of days ago from a wrecker service in Vinita, OK. they just wanted to remind me that the Oklahoma Highway Patrol had my vehicle in storage after it was towed there when my car broke down on I-44 on October 29th.

strangely, i don't remember my vehicle breaking down in Vinita. even stranger, i drove my vehicle to work this morning, yesterday morning, the morning before that... in fact, every weekday morning since late September. before that, i was driving it to work in the evenings. so why do they think they have my vehicle in storage?

i think i should have someone drive me to Vinita, and i'll stop by that place and say "I'm here to pick up my car." i wonder what they'd do.

Thursday, November 09, 2000

i spend my day looking at television programming (when i'm actually working i do). i see some interesting program names. here are a few of my favorite:

*Biopsy Playhouse.
*Let's Have Beef Tonight
*Big Ethnic Family
*Gardener Guerilla
oh yeah. HR is coming down to take my photo so i can be featured as a new employee on the company's intranet. hooray for me.
i'm craving White Castle. i've decided to go to St Louis this weekend.

Tim and Brian are celebrating Tim's birthday this weekend. i wasn't sure if i wanted to go (it is a long drive, after all), but now i've talked about White Castle, and the snow is here, and i don't really have anything else to do.

besides, it means free food all weekend. that alone is reason enough to go.
today's been a slow day here at work. i've had most of the day free to do nothing, so that's what i've been doing. but i've noticed that i'm still working more than most of the others in my department.

but, i've been able to do some tweaking to the blog. actually, jean's doing the tweaking. i'm just copying and pasting. but my blog isn't ugly now, and that's what's important.
and i'm learning new things too.
snow on the ground, and like a dumbass, i had to take a job that was near home. if i lived just 10 more miles away, i could be snowed in right now, unable to get to work. damn me for wanting convenience.
wee!! like the new look? isn't it just faboo? jeanie did it for me, out of the goodness of her heart. here's what she said:

Um, sweetie?  Don't be offended, but, you've got an ugly-ass blog.

she goes on to say:

...since I was bored, I took the liberty of making up a template for your blog.

she's so sweet. :)

actually, she is. i'm all giddy as a school girl after seeing the template.

i love you, jeanie!

Wednesday, November 08, 2000

i'm grouchy today. i don't know if it's just because i'm tired, or if it's just my time of the month, or if i'm just feeling like being evil.

i think it's the latter. i need to go out and frighten some children or something.
do i seem like i'm antisocial?
so now my boss tells me that i am required to take an hour for lunch, instead of the half hour i've been taking. when i was hired, i was told that it was up to me to decide that. so now, i have to be here half an hour more than i used to, and then i'll have to fight much heavier traffic then before. for the sake of uniformity in the department, he says.


people are allowed to show up anytime between 7 and 9:30, as long as we're working our 8 hours. we can take lunch whenever we want, take breaks whenever we want, and as often as we feel is neccessary. where's the uniformity there?

if they make us all take lunch at the same time, i'll quit. the reason i took a permanent position here was because of the flexibility. i can avoid everyone else in my department without too much of a problem. take that away from me and i have no reason to stay here.

Laughing at the dead... links

ok, i laugh whenever i stop by (dead link) here. too bad she didn't come up with the stuff that makes me laugh.
yes, but when that Virginia girl was on Kindred: the Embraced, she was a tragically hip and rebellious (::yawn::) Clan Brujah. eww. why couldn't she be a good Tremere? oh yeah... because there weren't ANY Tremere on the show. apparently, Tremere and Malkavians don't lend themselves well to the soap-opera setting of K:tE. thanks Aaron. asshole.

Kung fu grip!

but does He have Walk On Water and Heal The Sick action?

Tuesday, November 07, 2000


"I'm not a eunuch." Angel cracks me up. and the whining British guy is starting to grow on me. i didn't know he could kick butt!

but Buffy was cool. i'm addicted to Spike, and his brief 3 lines per episode. and who's the whore that he's with? it sucks when you start watching a show when it's in it's 5th season.
woo hoo! it's official! i get to leave an hour early to go vote! yes! only half an hour to go!
doesn't Aussie Nads sound like a Playgirl Pictorial theme, or maybe one of those Skinemax flix?
well, Sweetie, i did my election ranting yesterday, so don't worry about seeing it here. i'm much more interested in the Paranoid Napster Theory™.

the only election related things today will be these:
1) i already voted. i woke up early, so i did it before work. but it's not because i'm patriotic or anything. it's because...
2) my boss doesn't know about #1, so i'm taking off early today to "go vote". in this case, voter apathy is a good thing, as companies such as the one for which i work encourage us to vote by letting us leave early.

that being said, i'll say one more thing. i love the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous. it was on Starz last night, so i watched, even though i already own the video. Kirstie Allie is hilarious! along the same lines, i watched Jawbreaker too. i liked it.

Monday, November 06, 2000

yeah! time to go home!
she simply amazes me. don't play 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon with her. you'll lose.
ah, hell. if i'm gonna put a link to Wraith in here, i've got to have one to Changeling. it's my favorite game. and it's certainly way cooler than Vampire or Werewolf (which i will not link to)
this is in praise of Jean. she's cool, she's nifty, she sent me Gengar cursors! huzzah!

Gengar cursors on an Magneto wallpaper with icons derived from Wraith: the Oblivion (from White Wolf). it's an interesting mix on my desktop.
geez... i didn't mean it like that. i just meant to say that you are completely important to me, important enough that you stick in my mind without a nametag. i guess it popped out wrong. my apologies.
ah... here's what i was looking for. George W. Bush should not even be considered seriously for president.
don't you hate it whenever you run into someone that you know you know, but you don't know where or why you know him?

even worse is when he looks at you and you can tell that he knows you too, but from the perplexed look on your face, he knows that you don't remember who he is.

that's why everyone should wear little tags specifying where i know them from. that way, whenever i run into someone i'm not sure about, i can demand to see the tag.

some people are excused, as i'm pretty sure about where i know them from (like my family, and Jeanie and Tessy). everyone else has to wear them though.
"I've never been a long-term planner about anything. I have lived my life with more of a short-term focus."

—George W. Bush quoted in Texas Monthly

that alone is enough of a reason to vote against Bush. why would we want a President who can't see anything beyond his 4 years in office (believe me, if he is elected, people will see what kind of an idiot he is. he won't win a second term). i realize that he's in his 50's, but he still has a couple of decades ahead of him. i'm 26. i have another 50 to 75 years left. i'm a little less concerned about the next 5 years than i am about the next 25.

i'm not saying that everyone should vote for Gore. i'm saying vote against Bush. there are other, better experienced, better prepared candidates out there. choose one.