a point of pride....
nearly a year ago, on the Aberrant forum at White-Wolf.com, a great controversy began because a new book had been released that revealed that Divis Mal, most powerful Nova on earth, is gay. people were having little fits, posting on a thread called "Divis Mal is gay? What the fuck!!" where they argued that he couldn't posiibly be gay because he's the most powerful Nova. the inanity of that point wore on as people argued about it.
it frustrated me. it was stupid to argue it that way. if you want to argue about the morality of homosexuality, that's one thing, but to argue that a powerful and important character in a role-playing game couldn't possibly be gay because he is powerful and important is just idiotic. and not idiotic in a geeky fan-boy kind of way. just idiotic.
so, immediately following that thread, i began another called "Divis Mal has arms? What the fuck!!", the argument, of course, being that he couldn't possibly be the most powerful character because he has arms, and that he is a freak for it. just as inane as the thread preceding it.
now it's a running joke on the forum. every once in a while, somone posts that they are an Armed freak or a normal Armless person, and it begins a faux "armophobic" argument. it's fun.
now though, the "i have arms!" declaration has moved beyond the forums and into the real world. it's becoming a running joke, not only among non-Aberrant players, but among non-gamers too.
i'm like a proud papa. i've given birth to a little bit of geekdom. er- or would that make me a proud mama? anyway, i've decided that it will probably be my only lasting contribution to the world.
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