Saturday, December 22, 2001

TNN showed "All Good Things" last night. i hadn't seen the series finale of ST:TNG since it originally aired in 1994. i'd forgotten what a good finale it was.

Friday, December 21, 2001

whoever says that contacting your Senators won't get anything accomplished, i'm here to tell you that you are wrong!

ok, so all i did was point out to Sen. Nickles' people that the only member of the Oklahoma Congressional delagation not to be linked on his website also happened to be the only Democrat in the OK delegation, and that it looked like it was a conspiracy, and that i was fed up with his stupid little partisan games, and that he just needed to do his job because some of us don't care about his party affiliation. but they fixed it. yay for interactive representative democracy!

when Congress reconvenes next year, i think i'll make use of this "in" i have with the Senator and take issue with deficit spending and environmental degradation, since he's listening to me now. [and i'll keep an eye out for the FBI knocking on my door]
Washington Post summarizes this years Congressional session.
yay! my best mate Brian is coming from St Louis to visit for BahHumbug Day! (and he'll have gifts!)
an interview with Anthony Head.
Buffy needs to plan for the future. "And working for free at a highly-dangerous job is not how you plan for the future," he says. "The Watchers should give her disability, a retirement plan and probably some kind of stock options. If you can't work a deal with the Watchers, then she'd have to work a deal with the community, I'd say..."

Paul Peterson, a certified public accountant in Walnut Creek, Calif., e-mails that Buffy's main problem is that "she has half of Sunnydale living in her house rent-free, and she is destined to work as an uncompensated superhero."

Actually, now that Willow and Tara have broken up, only Willow is living in the house rent-free, and she took care of Dawn while Buffy was dead for four months. Maybe that's why Buffy has been so tolerant of the magic-addicted Willow.

Peterson suggests that Buffy charge rent anyway.

financial planning for the Slayer.

Thursday, December 20, 2001

tonight wraps up FX's first runthrough of Buffy in syndication with "Tough Love" and "Spiral", two episodes i like a whole lot. bunches, even. it looks like FX isn't running "The Weight of the World" after all (it did briefly appear on the FX schedule, but now it's gone), which means we won't be seeing the last two episodes of season 5 until UPN decides to rerun them. that's ok by me. i already have "The Gift" from last year. that'll leave only "Buffy vs. Dracula" and "The Weight of the World" that i don't have, and BvD airs on Christmas. yay!
i just expanded my repertoire of really bad jokes that nonetheless crack me up more than they should.
why am i getting email from Rupert Murdoch?
after giving it some more thought, i'm now convinced that Carol would be able to take me. she's a tough old bird.
i was nearly in a car accident yesterday with Carol Channing. i'm not certain if she was the Carol Channing or a man dressed as Carol, but the resemblance was striking. unfortunately, she really pissed me off by a) being in the wrong lane of a two lane street where she was trying to make a left turn through rush hour traffic. b) trying to gun her way through traffic and across the street, nearly hitting me, then giving me the finger like i was doing something more than waiting for her to get the hell out of the way. true to form, i made an audible list of every profane word i could think of, pointing at her, shouting, "I'm gonna kick your ass, Channing!".

so, Carol, next time you're on Hollywood Squares, you better watch out. i'll be there in the studio audience, waiting. Martin Mull and Whoopi won't be able to save you.

the title of this article cracks me up. someone at the Tulsa World was a little bored yesterday.

County dons chicken suit.

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

five reasons i didn't go to work today:

*it's a beautiful day.
*i didn't get any sleep.
*Clay was here, and i had to get up waaay too early to take him to the bus station.
*i have a few days of unused vacation that i should use by the end of the year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "Crush" and "I Was Made To Love You"

then, whether a happy happenstance or good planning, the UPN Buffy rerun tonight is "The Body", which is, in fact, the episode that's supposed to come after "I Was Made To Love You". for those of us trying to get them in the right order, this is happy news. yay!

"The Body", if you haven't seen it, is very sad. have a box of Puffs handy!
out of the blue, i just received a call from Clay, my first boyfriend. he's been living in smoggy California for a long while now. we kept up through email for a bit, then suddenly there was nothing more from him. today, he is in Tulsa. yay! so, after work, i'm gonna meet up with him, and take him home to meet my current boyfriend and our roommate, who is also an ex-boyfriend.

thinking about how many of my friends are also my exes, i think i need to widen my circle of friends so that it includes non-exboyfriends. good thing i have Jean around. has a copy of a post that Joss left over at The Bronze about shooting an episode of Angel. is it real? i dunno.

and hey! "Once More, With Feeling" is # 9 in the television catagory on Time's list of Best for 2001!
fodder for the conspiracy theorists.

Monday, December 17, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "Checkpoint" and "Bloodties"
movies watched (for the first time) over the weekend: Moulin Rouge and All Over The Guy.

i liked both (though during All Over The Guy, i kept thinking about a certain someone who really doesn't like Adam Goldberg and wondering 'Do I keep missing whatever it is that's so bad about him?'), but during Moulin Rouge, there were several places where the voices weren't quite synchronized, and throughout the movie, either the music overwhelmed the voices or the chorus of voices would be unintelligible. so i'm wondering now, was that just the DVD or was it that way on the bigscreen too?
Buffy toon news
i've been having trouble posting all weekend. i don't know if it was a problem with Blogger or if it was something on my end at home, but i had a nice long rant written about Governor Keating, who called Tulsa 'dumb' because his wife didn't win the Republican primary for the District 1 Congressional race (here's the article). off course, it was a primary race, so he must have meant that District 1 Republicans were dumb, but being the partisan lapdogs that they are, the city and county GOP leadership have been making excuses for him ("he's just emotional"). this is the same governor who said that the best way to deal with the Oklahoma Education Association was "homicide."

as for his wife, Cathy, she didn't actually lose the primary. with no majority winner, she with 30% of the vote, and John Sullivan with 45%, were to have a runoff next month. Cathy announced on Friday that she was dropping out. instead of being a loser, she's a quitter.

so long, Cathy. it looks like Frank will have to whore you out another way to get to DC.