Friday, December 21, 2001

Buffy needs to plan for the future. "And working for free at a highly-dangerous job is not how you plan for the future," he says. "The Watchers should give her disability, a retirement plan and probably some kind of stock options. If you can't work a deal with the Watchers, then she'd have to work a deal with the community, I'd say..."

Paul Peterson, a certified public accountant in Walnut Creek, Calif., e-mails that Buffy's main problem is that "she has half of Sunnydale living in her house rent-free, and she is destined to work as an uncompensated superhero."

Actually, now that Willow and Tara have broken up, only Willow is living in the house rent-free, and she took care of Dawn while Buffy was dead for four months. Maybe that's why Buffy has been so tolerant of the magic-addicted Willow.

Peterson suggests that Buffy charge rent anyway.

financial planning for the Slayer.

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