Friday, January 11, 2002

tonight, the boyfriend will be going to his brother's house while i spend an evening with my four and five year old nephews! it'll be an evening filled with the Pokemon Memory game, Hotwheels, grilled cheeses and, if they have their way, Dude, Where's My Car? (they probably won't, though, since i'm in the mood for some Buffy). yay for nephews!
last night, after returning from work, the boyfriend was standing in the kitchen cooking. as we were talking, i saw him scowl.


a pause.

"The stove's on fire."

after watching for a seconds ("fire, pretty"), seeing it get waaay too big for comfort, and wondering whether our fire extinguisher was safe to use on the stove, we yanked the electric coil out of its socket, tossed it into the sink, dropped a buttload of flour into the drip pan and (for good measure) used a towel to smother it. no more fire. then, the boyfriend and i stared at each other for a second before demonstrating our geekiness/BeavisandButtheadibility by agreeing "That was cool."

Thursday, January 10, 2002

Anthony Stewart Head has an album coming.
[via Mefi]
FOX has officially announced that the January 24th episode of the live action adventure spoof The Tick will be the show's last. *sob*

Wednesday, January 09, 2002

i just got the email alert: Tales of the Slayer TPB goes on sale on the 16th. yay!
is nothing happening today that i want to write about?

sad news: Sullivan won the special election and will be our Congressman until November. i knew it was a bad omen when i went to vote and there was only me and one other guy there who wasn't retirement age. the place was overrun with senior citizens.

Tuesday, January 08, 2002

strange. i just ran across an adult film title in the TVGuide database that lists Aaliyah in the credits.
i saw What's the Worst That Could Happen? over the weekend. i answer the question with "This movie." eh, i had no expectations anyway. it's a Martin Lawrence film.

also saw American Pie 2. i laughed once during the entire movie. same jokes, different day. *yawn* best part of the entire DVD was the bonus feature outtakes, and even they weren't all that funny (only two come to mind).

also also saw Glitter. everyone pokes fun at it, but did anyone actually go see it? well, i'm here to tell you, this movie deserves it. did anyone bother to write a script for this film? still, Glitter is better than Coyote Ugly (which retains its position at the top on my list of Worst Movies Ever).
i watched the debate between the two front runners in the Congressional race last night (again, neither of the two independent candidates was invited). John Sullivan, the GOPer, really didn't have much to say on anything, other than the tired platitudes el Presidente likes to throw around. when asked what he'd do to improve education, the only thing he said was "We have to keep the Federal government out of local education." also, he did the "They'll raise taxes over my dead body" thing (seriously, he said that. if he's elected, Kibo forbid, i hope taxes are raised, just so we can demand that he keep his campaign promise). his closing summary consisted largely of thanking his family, and giving a sappy "My wife is my best friend" speech. even in a debate, he tries to duck discussion.

on the other hand, Doug Dodd, the Democratic candidate, was articulate and actually talked about the issues instead of mimicking Sullivan's "God Bless America" chant in a pissing match over who's more patriotic. blech.

unfortunately, the local news organizations aren't giving the Independent candidates any exposure that isn't absolutely necessary. i couldn't tell you a thing about them.

did i mention that Sullivan's campaign office is across the street from my apartment? fire pretty! especially when it's on the office* of a lamoid assmunch like Sullivan.

[* though i stand by my statement that fire is pretty, i do not advocate arson. thank you, and don't blame me.]

Monday, January 07, 2002

tomorrow is the election to fill our district 1 Congressional seat, recently vacated by Steve Largent. a month ago, i was pretty much resigned to having another GOPer, specifically, Cathy "My Husband, the Governor, Wants To Go To Washington" Keating. since she was rejected by Republican voters in favor a John Sullivan, a candidate who, when told that the National GOP was running negative and misleading ads on his behalf, said [not a direct quote] 'I didn't know anything about it and I can't do anything about it,' and who avoided open forums and debates with the Democratic candidate until last week. whenever i read the paper's letters to the editor in support of Sullivan, the only thing he seems to have in his favor is that "he's not a lawyer" [that's an oft-repeated direct quote]. the Democratic candidate is an attorney. i don't understand why anyone would refuse to vote for an attorney just because he or she is an attorney, but vote twice for a former pro-football player who had no other experience with politics.

anyway, if you live in Oklahoma's Congressional district 1, please vote tomorrow, unless you're voting for the GOP candidate, then please stay home.

oh yeah, speaking of Congressional districts, it looks like two of our Republican Congressmen will be facing off next election. Oklahoma is losing a Congressional seat. i'm hoping JC Watts Jr. is one of the ones in the face off. failing that, i hope that they'll redraw the district lines so that JC's district loses one or two of the military bases in it.
you know, i really miss The Lone Gunmen. dunno why i thought of that now.
and another thing the boyfriend did this weekend that kept me from sleeping much: he brought home "Killer Clowns From Outer Space." i didn't watch it, but i still had clown nightmares.
the boyfriend woke me at 3am and whispered "There's someone in the apartment..." i freaked. i grabbed Mr. Big Stick from beside the bed (i've been sleeping with a club next to the bed for years) and crept about the apartment, ready to beat down anything that moved. there was nothing. i checked all the doors and windows, twice, and went back to bed, where the boyfriend was soundly asleep. he'd dreamt it, it seems, but i'm paranoid enough to think of things like 'i didn't check in the cupboards... or the laundry hamper... did i really check behind the couch enough?' so i didn't sleep the rest of the night.