i watched the debate between the two front runners in the Congressional race last night (again, neither of the two independent candidates was invited). John Sullivan, the GOPer, really didn't have much to say on anything, other than the tired platitudes el Presidente likes to throw around. when asked what he'd do to improve education, the only thing he said was "We have to keep the Federal government out of local education." also, he did the "They'll raise taxes over my dead body" thing (seriously, he said that. if he's elected, Kibo forbid, i hope taxes are raised, just so we can demand that he keep his campaign promise). his closing summary consisted largely of thanking his family, and giving a sappy "My wife is my best friend" speech. even in a debate, he tries to duck discussion.
on the other hand, Doug Dodd, the Democratic candidate, was articulate and actually talked about the issues instead of mimicking Sullivan's "God Bless America" chant in a pissing match over who's more patriotic. blech.
unfortunately, the local news organizations aren't giving the Independent candidates any exposure that isn't absolutely necessary. i couldn't tell you a thing about them.
did i mention that Sullivan's campaign office is across the street from my apartment? fire pretty! especially when it's on the office* of a lamoid assmunch like Sullivan.
[* though i stand by my statement that fire is pretty, i do not advocate arson. thank you, and don't blame me.]
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