Saturday, January 06, 2001

hooray! Blogger's quick again!
can i take both?
we all know that Bill Clinton is about to leave the White House. with a new administration working to install itself, what does an outgoing president do with his time in his Final Days?

Friday, January 05, 2001

see! that's one of the reasons i hate banks (to be completely fair, though, it's actually one of the reasons i hate people, but a bank has people in it, so it's close enough).

i do, however like prescriptions (muscle relaxers have been such a blessing to me and my poor back). you shoulda ninja-kicked her, Jean.
ya know, i recently began playing Vampire: the Masquerade -Redemption, and i've decided it's a cool game. the 3D graphics are passable, the interface is fairly intuitive, and the Discipline effects are good. on the downside, combat gets boring fast. maybe once i progress a bit more and have access to some other Disciplines, it'll get better. but, the reason i've decided it's a cool game is that you get to suck the blood out of people and other vampires. that's the cool thing. you get to sneak up on others, and drain them dry. i spent almost an hour last night just going around hunting others for their blood (by i, i mean my character Cristof). it was fun.
banned from the superbowl: the Singing Cows Ad.
the cover of this week's TVGuide sucks. it's done up to resemble that old comic book style with the little dots all over the place, for the "Year In Jeers" issue. it's ugly, and it doesn't really work, 'cause there's a difference between comical (as the jeers are supposed to be) and comic book. that, and it's just ugly.

also, the "teen Jeers" section would be a lot better if they'd left out the "Are you an Angel or Angelina [Jolie]" quiz and the "Shout Out to Billie C: the Teen Jeers Interview" (supposedly an interview with Bill Clinton). the quiz asks 6 stupid questions to help you determine whether you're "Nice 'n' Flirty" or "Down and Dirty" (presumably like Angelina Jolie), such as:
    Courtney Love told Jane magazine that she likes...
  • "spending quality time with my daughter, Frances Bean."
  • "pina coladas and making love in the rain."
  • "really trashy porno girls".

if you score high enough, you'll be considered a 'ready for Billy Bob' Raunch Ranger. because you read Jane magazine i guess.

as for the "Billie C" interview, it sounds like a bunch of old publishing execs trying to sound 'hip' and 'down with it'. which is what it is, really.

Thursday, January 04, 2001

"Your name of Terrence creates a quick, clever mind capable of grasping and assimilating new ideas.

what does your name say about you? (you'll have to scroll down to near the bottom of the page)
first, Mulder and Sculley. then, Scully and Doggett. soon to be Doggett and Gish?

incidentally, i liked both Millennium and Harsh Realm. alot. Millennium often gave give me the heebie-jeebies and Harsh Realm... well, it had Scott Bairstow.
hmm. i'd nearly forgotten that today's my anniversary. one year ago, i quit working at the club i'd been with for almost 6 months. a little over a month later, they were closed. i'd like to think it's because they couldn't make it without me, but i have suspicions that it has more to do with a sharp plunge in the supply-side of the coke market. the owner couldn't make any money without it. putz. ah well...
i think i need to add to my daily reading: welcome The Bradlands.

i knew you'd be excited.
well, Jean just explained the Chronicles of Narnia thing to me. she tried to post. but with blogger being as screwed as it is right now, it was eaten by the Post Eating Demon™. she emailed the gist to me, and this is what she had to say:
    "In a nutshell, since LW&W was the best selling book, in the '70's the publisher rearranged the order to put it first, figuring that people would be more likely to read the rest of the series if they believed they were starting at the beginning.  Before that they were chronological, beginning w/ Magician's Nephew, which was how C.S. Lewis intended it, but I'm with you, I think Magician's Nephew is a lot better if you've read LW&W first."

it saddens me to know that i've been living a lie all these years. but at least it wasn't my fault that i didn't read them in the C.S. Lewis-intended order.
Clanbook Lasombra Revised was released over the holiday, and i didn't know it. looks like i'll be picking that up after work tonight.
uh oh... looks like someone from the EPA stopped by again. are they investigating me? are they probing my connections to the United Smog Producers of Manitoba? maybe they're just trying to figure out what that funky smell is that's infusing my room (to be honest, i'm trying to figure it out too). or maybe it's just some bored, low-level bureaucrat (no! where!) surfing for Woodland Porn.
currently, the Impudite is reading The Complete Chronicles of Narnia, which made me remember that, when i was working in a bookstore a couple of years ago, i found the individual books. being the anal-retentive bastard that i am, i place them all in what i thought was the correct order, the order that in which i'd read them in elementary school, beginning with The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and ending with The Last Battle.

as i completed my project, i was feeling smug, until i noticed the little single digit numbers at the top of each books spine. the books were supposed to be in a different order than i remembered. gasp! then i realized that the sequence given by the little numbers was chronological for the store, i.e., the book set earliest in the history of Narnia (The Magician's Nephew) was first, followed by The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, and so on to The Last Battle.

did i, as a child, just read them in the wrong order without realizing it? i don't think so (though, if i did, please let me know). one of the things i enjoyed about the books was their quirky chronology. in The Lion..., one thing is mentioned that seems to make absolutely no sense: the lamp-post. there's no reason to have it in the book really. it's just there. no explanation for it given. you just take it be one of those nutty things about Narnia. until The Magician's Nephew. now we know that it's as old as anything in Narnia, that it's an organic (so to speak) part of Narnia, and that it's something that came from our world. it's part of the connection between Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy and Digory and Polly.

reading them in the currently established sequence takes away from that. in the first book, you read about the lamp-post growing in Narnia. in the second, it's still there. "wow," you think to yourself. "it's old." and that's all you think to yourself. by the time you read Lion..., the lamp-post has lost the mystery it would have should have had, and, i think also, the book loses some of it's magick.

but that's just me.

Wednesday, January 03, 2001

oh... and Rich.... i've met you, so i don't believe it (dead link) *snicker*
are you drunk? what's that? oh yeah... you're using a Mac.. that's probably your problem.

i don't seem to have any problem with my Archives. if anyone else does, let me know (not to disprove Rich, but, rather, to confirm it for me).
"In science, medical researchers announce that they have cloned a $100 bill, and will no longer be dependent upon federal grants"

"In financial news, America Online announces the largest merger in history, in which it will acquire Time Warner in exchange for AOL stock valued at $160 billion, or, a little later in the week, $34."

Dave Barry's Year in Review,
[courtesy of one of the 3 nasty assholes]
hey! it's not my fault that the company i work for is happy with outdated software. i have IE 5.5 on my computer at home. i'm just not allowed to upgrade the one at work. so instead of ridiculing me, show some compassion!
come on, everybody! join me over at razzberry!
heh. a post about musicals back to back with one about hockey.
feeling butch now.

i saw a cable listing that read "Bruins vs. Dallas", and i immediately knew: a) it was a hockey game, and b) it should have read "Bruins vs. Stars" or "Boston vs. Dallas"

go manly me.
it cracks me up to see Treat Williams in Hair.

Tuesday, January 02, 2001

televangelists, politicians, and Blogger.
Anderson Cooper, who will be hosting ABC's The Mole, puts me at ease about his participation. i used to get up at 4a.m. just to watch him on World News Now. i didn't want him to end up as an embarrassment like Julie Chen.

Anderson's great, isn't he?
i'd never realized how ridiculous the premise for Anaconda is:
    A snake expert dupes a documentary film team to help him search for a man-eating snake so that he can use the snake skins to make himself rich.

if he's willing to do all those terrible things to get rich (with snake skins, no less), then why not do something easier, like rob people or exploit the natives? no big-ass snake is gonna eat you then.

i'd also never realized that it was Jon Voight in that movie. i'm such a goob.
a ha! it's working now!
  • fixed permalink problem (they work now)
  • fixed archives problem (the archive's there now)
  • fixed archives index page problem (have an archives index page now)
  • blamed all the problems on Rich

i believe my day to be complete now. my boss would disagree though, so maybe i should get back to work.
why isn't this working?

Rich, sweetie, i think i'm going to need your help again.
i didn't know you hadn't seen that. it's one of my favorite movies
why am i having trouble linking to your posts?

Monday, January 01, 2001

Happy New Year
Broadway cast of 'The Full Monty (or is it the Off-Broadway Cast?)'
(it was bigger on New Year's Day. Click it to see the full sized)