Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Certified Bah Humbugger here to say, uh, "Bah! Humbug!" I hate holidays (except for the Get the Day Off part), and the whole "Christmas Spirit" that some people seem to think means being total assholes for no reason.

Still, as much as I dislike Christmas, FOX sucks a whole lot more.

Monday, December 23, 2002

And here's what Tim Minear had to say about final days of filming on Firefly.
I am such a bad fanboy. I forgot to turn off the VCR when I went to work Friday evening, so the timer didn't kick in, and I didn't record Firefly. From what everyone is writing about it, I missed something great.

FOX still sucks.

By the way, we received our annual holiday email from Mr. Rupert Murdoch, and in it (the whole thing really had nothing to do with the holidays. It was more of a year-end recap of Newscorp's performance and a lot of Rah! Rah! about next year), Mr. Murdoch hails Joe Millionaire as "innovative." That's right! Joe Millionaire is innovative! Is it any wonder that FOX Broadcasting Company had a disappointing year?