Saturday, December 08, 2001

just saw Jurassic Park III. i didn't realize how much i'd missed Dr. Grant. Sam Neill is cool.

Friday, December 07, 2001

tonight's syndiBuffy double feature: first, the only remaining episode i haven't seen yet, "Primeval" before wrapping up the fourth season with "Restless" [it's the Cheeseman!]
want some Miss Kitty Fantastico links?

Miss Kitty Fantastico For the Next Big Bad
Miss Kitty Fantastico Appreciation Society

more as i get them.
Joss to direct Iron Man?
Chronicles of Narnia on the big screen?
yummy Hugh Jackman getting yummier?
"New Moon Rising" was another really good episode. going into it, i knew nothing about it except 'Oz comes back'. it's not as talked about as some of the other fourth season episodes, which is unfortunate. a good story (yay, Marti!) and top-notch acting (yay Alyson!).

Thursday, December 06, 2001

oh yeah, tonight's syndiBuffy: "New Moon Rising" and "The Yoko Factor"
Mefi discussion: "Joss Whedon, only a few weeks ago, brought audiences what was arguably the best hour in television history with the musical episode. Then, last week, he brought us a shameful don't-do-drugs piece of drivel. Has the best-written show on television finally gone bad, along with Willow?"

quote from the discussion: "I stopped watching Buffy years ago when Oz left the show. By then the writing had gotten lower than the quality of the original movie that it's based on."

please someone help me. i think the vein in my forehead is about to burst at some of the things being said, and its feels necessary to smash things.
Browsing the Google directory:
Texas T's Homepage. About Forest fires and Diesel pickups!
J.T. - Pretty Fly for a White Guy and probably pretty fly for an accountant too.
Somebody Broke The Dictionary -- only because the definitions for 'glibido' and 'lymph' cracked me up.
West Coast Playboys '99.
Who's the guy in the hat?
Oz's Hippy Hoppy Happy Page.
Why I don't like Canadians!!!: All Canadians have something wired wrong in their head. The only cool Canadian is Tom Green.

i think this guy has something wired wrong in his head. Tom Green? not even with Drew on his arm as he siphons off some of her likability does he approach anything remotely cool.

the rest of his explanation is really lame too. at least i have real reasons for not liking Canadians (they're all Eeevil and work in tandem with the Girl Scouts in a plot to take over the world).

check out some of his other rants. come on! there are better things to bitch about! like that crappy 7th Heaven.
E! Online is doing another poll, this one a "Best of 2001." i say, of course, go vote for Buffy in every catagory possible, even if it's Best Performance By A Former Golden Girl.

for the catagory Top "Did You See That?" Tube Moment, i didn't see any of them, but i'm sure i didn't miss out on much. also, i haven't seen any of the nominees in their Scariest Movie catagory. how much do i suck? for Most Spectacular Breakup, my responses as i read the last three nominees were "They did?", "I thought he was gay," and "Who?"
[margin of error ± 5% over at]

Wednesday, December 05, 2001

tonight's syndiBuffy double feature: "Superstar" (no, Molly Shannon's not in it) and "Where The Wild Things Are"
email from my friend at the Department of Environmental Quality: I have a complaint on my desk against a man named Shatwell. I thought you'd get a kick out of that. Especially since it concerns surfacing sewage.

how right he was!
watching "Afterlife" again last night, i still got all choked up at the look on Spike's face as he realized that Buffy was somehow alive, and at the "Hundred forty-seven days yesterday" response. one speaks to the actor's abilities, the other to the writer's.
comments about last night's syndiBuffies: it was really good to see Faith again. whenever Buffy and Faith throw down, it's a guaranteed kick-ass fight. i've decided, without doubt, that the Faith/Buffy battles are the best in the series, and probably on television as a whole.

as for "Who Are You?", all i can say is "WOW!" it's taken a firm position in my list of the top ten episodes of Buffy.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001

spying under the pews
tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "This Year's Girl" and "Who Are You?"
somehow, a rumor has started here at work. it says that i'm taking organic chemistry this semester. people are asking me for help with their organic chemistry. problem is, i'm not taking it, i've never taken it, and, indeed, i'm not even enrolled at university this semester (nor have i been enrolled anywhere for several years). people gossip about the strangest things.
i'm definitely in a lame joke mood today over at Mefi. those poor people.
are you fascinated by names?
the International Astonomical Union's FAQ on the naming of stars. who knew astronomers had a sense of humor?
ack! i know i mentioned that Psycho Beach Party will be playing on the 8th, but it also played sometime around one this morning (way past my bedtime, which is why i'll be watching it this weekend). my roommate woke me and said "Hey, Xander's in this movie that's on right now," so i got up to watch a bit, and i have to say, it's going to be grrrreat! i don't mean great in the 'This makes you think' kind of way, but great in the same way that i enjoy Dude, Where's My Car? (minus the Seann Scott factor).
i don't think i've ever blogged this before, but now that Jean has moved it, it's a good time to link to Joker's Realm. if you have any interest in Batman's archnemesis, take a look.

Monday, December 03, 2001

tonight on the syndiBuffy double feature: "The I in Team" and "Goodbye Iowa"
from the mailbag: "What do you mean by torpedoed battleship and shot down fighter planes? Are you saying that Pearl Harbor bombed?

for those who didn't quite get it, 'big ass torpedoed battleship' and 'squadron of downed fighter planes' are both things that go down, which means they can be said to suck, much the way this movie does.

You should check your facts before you write something like that. It was one of the best movies of all time.

*ahem* but, box office gross is not necessarily a reflection of a film's quality. it is my opinion that Pearl Harbor sucked, but don't take my word for it.

thanks for writing! here at the last of the great tolkhans, we enjoy and appreciate your email and pledge to respond to each one personally (though we make no promises of proper grammar or spelling! heck, we don't even promise to make sense!) .
yay! Showtime will be showing Psycho Beach Party on the 8th! (careful with that link. there's lots of loud music)
i saw Pearl Harbor for the first time last weekend. 183 minutes of a patriotic, crowd pleasing masturbatory session. who needs that claptrap? and the love story? please. are all future 'historical' films going to be love stories using as a backdrop the event their supposed to be about (although it was kind of fun to quote Titanic as the warships sank: 'Jack! Come back! I'll never let go! I'm flying!' and whispering "Give me what I want and I'll go away," everytime Admiral Kimmel [a.k.a. Andre Lenoge] was onscreen). the movie tries to tug the heartstrings, but just ends up making a clumsy grab that doesn't actually work. the best thing about the whole experience was the History Channel program on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor shown after the credits to the movie finished.

i give this film a big ass torpedoed battleship for the cheesy love story (blech. get over it Ben. she's a whore)(no, wait, get over yourself, you cocky bastard) and a squadron of downed fighter planes for everything outside the actual PH attack scene, which is the only reason those fighter planes got off the ground in the first place. otherwise, this movie would have died in the hanger.
some news about the first volume of the Batman: the Animated Series DVDs (only the first five eps. bummer).