Monday, December 03, 2001

from the mailbag: "What do you mean by torpedoed battleship and shot down fighter planes? Are you saying that Pearl Harbor bombed?

for those who didn't quite get it, 'big ass torpedoed battleship' and 'squadron of downed fighter planes' are both things that go down, which means they can be said to suck, much the way this movie does.

You should check your facts before you write something like that. It was one of the best movies of all time.

*ahem* but, box office gross is not necessarily a reflection of a film's quality. it is my opinion that Pearl Harbor sucked, but don't take my word for it.

thanks for writing! here at the last of the great tolkhans, we enjoy and appreciate your email and pledge to respond to each one personally (though we make no promises of proper grammar or spelling! heck, we don't even promise to make sense!) .

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