Friday, October 11, 2002

Birds of Prey wasn't showing up on my interactive guide last night, and I couldn't remember when it was supposed to air. I missed it. Damn every one of those TV Goat people to hell!
"What makes our opponents useful is that they allow us to believe that without them we would be able to realize our goals."

-- Jean Rostand, Journal d’un Charactere (1931), quoted from Laird Wilcox, ed., "The Degeneration of Belief"

Thursday, October 10, 2002

i keep forgetting to mention that best mate Brian drove down with his entourage last weekend so they could go to the fair (that's the reason he gives, but i know better. his birthday was yesterday, and the fair excuse was the only way he was going to be able to get the gifts from all of us).

Brian and Co. went to the fair Friday night to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. afterward, they hung out with her in her suite, along with, as he says, 10,000 lesbians.

on Saturday, Brian and Co. and several members of my family went. the only reason i go to the fair is for the corn dogs and to cruise, but the first corn dog i bought was one of those corn dogs with the cheese in it. it ruined my palate for corn dogs for the remainder of the evening, which left only the cruising. that's not quite as much fun when you're there with your boyfriend.

instead, the boyfriend and i played a rousing game of Spot the Mullet. i quickly ran out of fingers and toes to keep score on.

on our way into the fair, there were a couple of people standing outside protesting (i think). they were wearing signs that read, "Dancing chimps are not education!" and such. as we passed by, i read the sign aloud, then said excitedly, "Oh my god! They have dancing chimps here. We have to go see them!"

on the way out, as we waited at the corner to cross the street, there was a man handing out pamphlets and shouting about God and repenting and smiting. he kept trying to shove a pamphlet in my hand, and i kept pulling back. he said, "If you had God in your heart, you'd have a smile on your face." i said, "You're not smiling." he began shouting about smiting again.

there's more to tell, but my eyeballs hurt, and really, it just wasn't all that exciting. i'm just sad that i didn't get to indulge in tasty corn dogs.
DreamWatch magazine has an article on Jeph Loeb's departure from the Buffy animated series to become a consulting producer for Smallville. Unfortunately, DreamWatch doesn't seem to update their website very often (their big splash is for issue #84. i'm referring to an article in #96).

the important part of the article is:

Joss Whedon reports that Loeb's departure just preceded final approval on the Buffy cartoon. The series' creator explains, "The process took so long to put the package together, it just came together on Friday [14 June], and he got an offer, a big deal over at Warner Brothers, and he had to move on."

Plans for the entirety of Buffy's cast to voice their cartoon characters have fallen through. "We have almost the entire cast signed on to do the voices," says Whedon, but he confesses, "Sarah [Michelle Gellar] and David [Boreanaz] are about the only cast members that can't be in it.

Describing the show, Whedon says, "Think of it as Buffy: Year One. We're going back to high school and telling the stories that we didn't get to tell back then."

so, to summarize: Buffy-animated did get final approval; SMG won't be participating (which we already knew). DB won't be either (which was still up in the air, as far as I knew. also, because it's going back to the time of the first season, also means no Spike). oh yeah. Jeff Loeb is now over at Smallville.
a review of the Angel season opener: Everyone! Out of the Water!

a review of this week's Buffy: You Can Kind of Go Home Again
from Dark Horizons: "

Variety reports that Warner Bros. will produce a live-action English-language remake of the Japanese 1988 anime classic feature [Akira]. Director Stephen Norrington ("Blade", "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen") will reteam with "League" screenwriter James Robinson to pen the script whilst Jon Peters will produce. This remake will follow the original story of a futuristic motorbike gang leader who must rescue his younger brother from his involvement in a secret government project."
Shrek: The Musical. if Disney can turn everything they've ever filmed into stage musicals, why can't Dreamworks, eh?

yes, i know i exaggerate a lot

Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Please, someone explain to me what is meant when a game is said to have "gone gold." Games go gold before release, so it's not like a "gold record" thing indicating sales.
We watched "Scooby Doo" last night (on VHS, because they didn't have the DVDs yet, the bastards). After the feature came the music videos (blech) and the alternate/deleted scenes.

There was an alternate title sequence that I think they should have used. It was the Scooby Gang, cartoon version, doing various things like searching around and running from baddies from the series. It ends with Daphne being captured by the ghost guy who runs to the toy factory, which slides from animated to live action, and the movie starts as it did in the theatrical release. It's no big deal, and nothing spectacular, but I liked it better than the one that was used. Not that I matter, but this is my blog, and if you don't like that I liked the alternate title sequence, then you can bite me.
tonight is Buffy night. hooray!

FX tonight is "Some Assembly Required" and "School Hard," the first Spike and Dru episode.

Monday, October 07, 2002

i've decided that Washington Irving was a terrible thing to happen to American history.
the worst thing about that stupid "Funniest Joke in the World" is that it has been forwarded to me four times today.
Firefly's ratings improved last week. hooray! prostitutes throwing down is cool.
I've been looking for a new place to live lately, and the search has become a bit more urgent now that the kitchen has been invaded by ants. I've been spending a lot of time on the search, which, I believe, caused to me to dream last night of finding that the place I wanted was all "13 Ghosts"-ey. Normally, of course, I wouldn't have anything to do with a house haunted by violently homicidal spectres, but the ghosties had kidnapped my would-be landlord's child. For some reason, I decided I'd find the kid, with the help of a bunch of people I didn't know. It all turned out to be a bloodbath, of course, and I somehow ended up in the "Nightmare on Elm Street" house. I think this means I'm stressing a little much over this house-hunt, or that I'm gonna end up in a house where a lot of people die.

Later in the night, I dreamed of vampires and dead kittens, which made me really sad. The vampires only hurt people if a person discovered that it was the vampires behind the kitten attacks. They were kind of lame, as vampires go. It took me and (of all people for my adled brain to conjure) Peter DeLuise very little time to dust the vampires, thus saving thousands of kittens.