Monday, November 06, 2000

"I've never been a long-term planner about anything. I have lived my life with more of a short-term focus."

—George W. Bush quoted in Texas Monthly

that alone is enough of a reason to vote against Bush. why would we want a President who can't see anything beyond his 4 years in office (believe me, if he is elected, people will see what kind of an idiot he is. he won't win a second term). i realize that he's in his 50's, but he still has a couple of decades ahead of him. i'm 26. i have another 50 to 75 years left. i'm a little less concerned about the next 5 years than i am about the next 25.

i'm not saying that everyone should vote for Gore. i'm saying vote against Bush. there are other, better experienced, better prepared candidates out there. choose one.