Thursday, November 15, 2001

because i already had last night's syndiBuffies on video, VSG and i watched movies all night. first up, A Knight's Tale. it spent a large portion of it's time trying to make you care. still, i couldn't. and what a pansy boy! a woman treats him the way Jocelyn does and he just takes it? co-dependent much, buddy? she isn't worth it. if she truly loved you, she wouldn't ask you to do something you don't want to do (more ABC After School Special stuff). my rating: i'd need a liter of rum to watch it again.

second: Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes. this one left me cold. nothing exciting, nothing 'Oh cool!' about it, the story caused much confusion and i'd get pissed everytime someone called them monkeys instead of apes (including my roommates). didn't even get a half-bare Mark Wahlberg to make it better. i definitely prefer the original. Cornelius could kick Ari's ass easily, though Insane Chimp Possee Thade was frightening. plus, how can you not have Dr. Zaius?

also, the DVD extras sucked. yeah, there was all that behind-the-scenes stuff, and the interface was actually kind of cool, but the extended scenes weren't very interesting and talks with the stunt people alternated between nifty stuff and 'man, you think too much of yourself'. my ratings: film- though i give it no thumbs in either direction, i'd definitely choose this movie over "Seventh Heaven" or the "Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!". DVD extras: not worth the cost of the extra disc.

third movie: How the Grinch Stole Christmas. i liked the costuming, the hair, and the sets. i was even able to tolerate Jim Carrey for most of it, but it ran too long. it felt like things were added in just to pad the film's running time. it's not a good thing to wonder for the third time "Is it almost over yet?" and Whos are annoying! how can anyone be that chipper all the time? to hell with the Whos!

DVD extras: children's games and sing-alongs. bleh. my ratings: film- it's Jim Carrey. i can't stand him usually. he's tolerable in this, so i'll rate this a "Buy it to occupy the nephews when they come to visit." DVD extras- i'd need illegal street drugs to keep me awake. boring. all digits down.

enjoy "Seventh Heaven meets the Taliban."

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