Friday, April 19, 2002


Oh, and there are others: Joyce Summers, the only woman with a hairstyle older than the vampires, comes with . . . yep, you guessed it: That same damn hairstyle. Angel comes with clothing from and International Male. Cordelia comes in both classic uber-tan and the new 'Angel' version, it looks like there's nothing in the box but you have to wait a few weeks for her to show up again.

Joyce also comes with small ACE bandages and an assortment of burial shrouds :(

Angel comes with lots of hair gel. no two Cordelias come with the same outfit. Wesley comes with a tweed suit, but a year later the charcoal grey sweater will arrive, along with some little rubby stuff you can put on his face to make him look unshaven and disheveled. Gunn comes naked :P

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