Friday, January 04, 2002

i added the Buffy the Vampire Slayer board game to my wishlist last month. alas, no one bought it for me (i didn't get anything Buffy-related for chriskwanzukka. everyone thought i already had everything or that someone else would get it for me. bah! that's what wishlists are for! and telephones! communication, people! however, if anyone is still thinking of buying me Buffy stuff, or any other stuff, i'd like to remind everyone that the anniversary of the crowning of Queen Elizabeth I is on the 15th and MLKJr b-day and the holiday are coming up. those are traditional gift giving times too. anyway...)

now that i have a testimonial (from Max, who hasn't had permalinks in forever), i'll have to go out and get the board game myself. there will be resistance, but i'll force my roommates to play with me.

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