Wednesday, September 19, 2001

from an email from a Senior VP:

"Please join me in welcoming Ben ... to the team as PR Manager..." "Ben comes to TV Guide from the XFL where he served as Director of Corporate Communications."

if it'd been me, i don't think i'd have listed XFL on my resume, unless i could think of some way to phrase it that'd put a positive spin on it... like this:

"Having the experience of growing a new brand as well as handling fallout from a downturn in business has made Ben an agile communications professional."

sounds much better than 'i was in charge of promoting the XFL. didn't really do well at that.' i'd like to think that he's here to help us turn things around, but with circulation falling and a round of lay offs every month, i'm worried they're more interested in his experience with a failing enterprise than his ability to get things going.

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