Friday, January 12, 2001

ok then, for those who have asked "what's a tolkhan?", to the left, below the quote (which is nifty, isn't it?) is a link to "what's a tolkhan?" and no, Rich, it isn't per se "an indian or a fairy", as you say, though i guess it could be both since tolkhan is me and i am both.

by the by, i'm having trouble with your permalinks again. it may just be my browser (like it was on Jean's page. IE4.0 sucks.) i'll check again when i get home.

which will be very soon. it's nearly noon, and i'm taking half a day off so that i may get on the road to St Louis early enough to get there before midnight. i still have to go home and pack though, 'cause i didn't do it last night like i was supposed to. damned computer had me distracted all night.

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