Thursday, January 11, 2001

i don't like this job-thing i have where i actually have to work. it's kept me busy all day and i really haven't had much time to surf. what free time i have had, i've spent working out the little unsightly blemishes of my blog's new look. how can they expect me to work when i have flaws in my blog?

if i'm doing this now, after it's been published, imagine how i was last night before it debuted. poor mikey sat alone most of the evening watching television. it's hard enough getting him to come over during the week (something about not liking Voyager or Buffy and Angel), and when he does, i spend all evening at the computer.

bad terrence. stupid terrence dummy boy.

so, anyone have any suggestions for "Sorry-I-Blew-You-Off-For-My-Blog-Please-Forgive-Me" gifts, please let me know.

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