Monday, August 20, 2001

(this post is actually from Friday evening, but the great Blogger gods were displeased with me and wouldn't let me post it)

ack! he defiles everything he touches! from the unlinkable sidebar at Sci Fi Wire: Freddie Prinze Jr. told E! Online that he has signed a deal with Marvel Comics to write a few books, including a storyline for one well-known superhero whom he declined to identify. "I can't say who, but he climbs walls," Prinze told E!

and from E!Online, Wanda says ""Takes More Than Studio Tricks and Cease-and-Desists to Slay Our Slayer." the first page is clean, but after the first paragraph of the second page, it gets a little spoilery (but Wanda-spoilery, which, i'm told, isn't all that reliable. still i'm warning you).

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