Friday, August 24, 2001

i tried to send a thank you to someone, but, because Hotmail sucks, i don't know if it was sent. if it didn't go through, i'm going to seem like a rude bastard, something i'm not (no, seriously, usually i'm not). on the other hand, i did try to send the email twice, so if both went through, i'll seem like a dumb-ass. bastard or dumb-ass, which should i prefer to be?

been messing around with my sidebar. made some minor changes.

added a link to Bewitched, Bothered, Bewildered, Jean's sorta-daily second blog chronicling life with ADD.

returned Grazing Reality. she was there before, but dropped out of site for a while. now she's back, with her own domain, and a new look, so she goes back on the sidebar.

had to drop one of Brad's links to make room for Grazing Reality. only ten of my multiple-time-daily reads go on the sidebar (Jean's three don't count in the total. to find out how to be eligible for such exemptions, email me. if you're male, include nude photos of yourself).

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