Tuesday, May 29, 2001

ack. i moved over the weekend. the only thing i haven't moved to my new apartment is my computer. i'm holding on to that DSL as long as i can because i won't have internet access at home at all for a while (unless i get enough financial backing for my film. see post immediately below this one, and send in your CASH contributions today!) fortunately, i was able to download several Buffy episodes this weekend, and i'll still be able to get online at work.

the upstairs neighbor at the new place is, i believe, quite insane. i caught him staring in my big glass door three times. he yelled at me, "Turn down that goddamned music, you moron!" there was no music playing. he also talks about himself in the plural. i don't think he's doing it in the Queen 'Lizabeth Royal Personage kind of way. i think it's more in the Me-and-the-Other-Personalities kind of way.

i'm sure this is going to be a fun-filled adventure in Apartment Living.

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