Tuesday, February 19, 2002

i haven't mentioned Star Trek in a while, so i'll fill the void.

i got way too excited last night when i discovered that the Voyager ep "Body and Soul" was on. it's one of my favorite episodes, true, but i like to limit how much i geek out (that's why i've known for more than a month that "The Inner Light," my favorite TNG ep, will be showing on TNN on the 26th at 10:30pm CST, and i really do have it marked on my calendar. yeah, i'm not too geeky). it was the first time i thought of Jeri Ryan as anything other than the bimbo in the tight costume.

<insert segue> bimbo in tight costume: i know it can take a while before the actors and writers get really comfortable with the roles on a series, but i'm still waiting for more from V'ulcan B'abe on Enterprise. really, how hard is it to act completely disinterested in everything and speak in a monotone? Robert Beltran did it for almost the entire last half of the Voyager series (up until the whole romance with Seven, which the writers seemed to have pulled out of their asses. where'd the hell did that come from? it was probably one of Beltran's contractual options: 'Few interesting scenes in exchange for kissing Jeri Ryan,' which, if you think about it, isn't all the bad for a heterosexual actor. if it'd been me, i would have demanded the right to frolic nude through Janeway's season one hair).

<insert another witty segue> geek: Why the Klingons would beat the crap out of the Hirogen. that one goes beyond my geek threshold.

i hope that's enough Star Trek to hold everyone for a while. for now, i return you to your regularly scheduled Buffy obsessiveness.

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