Tuesday, February 19, 2002

a friend of The Boyfriend stopped by for a while last night, just as Angel was coming on. she (the friend) had never seen the show before.

keeping in mind such scenes as the one from the ep "Carpe Noctem" (Cordy tells Marcus-as-Angel that he should tell puppy-love-Fred that the office is no place for romance. Marcus-as-Angel checks out his clothing and surmises that Angel must be gay), the friend sees the scene in last night's ep with Angel talking with the Host, and says 'Are they some kind of demon gay couple?' i giggled.

anyway, by the end of the episode, i was yelling at Angel "your hair goes straight up and you're bloody stupid! if you don't tell her dumb-ass, she won't know!" please, Cordy, the Groo? not cute. whether long haired and animal pelt clad or trimmed and Angel-clothes clad, not cute. and i caught that Battlefield Earth thing. yes, Groo does look like John Travolta.

and what was with Groo's eyes? first half of the show, they were brown. last half, this weird blue. thus, Groo's a demon and Angel must kill him.

why the hell doesn't someone slap Angel?

as for the Wesley-Gunn-Fred triangle, poor Wesley! i'm sad for him and all, because i like Wesley and he's sad, but i kinda like thinking that's he's not sad that Fred didn't choose him. instead, he's sad that Gunn didn't choose him. yeah, i'm a delusional Wesley/Gunn 'shipper, and i'll seize anything i can to support the thesis that they were meant for each other (hey, i can't be any more delusional than those Buffy/Angel 'shippers, right?).

summary: Angel needs bitchslappin'. Fred should jump back. Groo should die. horribly.

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