Thursday, August 02, 2001

last night, as i was driving home, i started craving pizza. i haven't had pizza since last summer, but it sounded really good. shortly after i got home, my sister called. while i was talking to her, the pizza she had ordered was delivered. i decided that i must have pizza.

i ordered one (geez, they've gone up since i'd last had one). when it was delivered, i readied myself for maximum pizza engorgement. i ate my fill. i ate until i couldn't eat another bite, that point at which even thinking about it will make you sick. i ate... one piece. for some reason, that was all it took. and now i have a large pizza, minus one piece, sitting in my fridge.

if anyone's hungry, wants a free meal, and doesn't mind leftovers, just drop by tonight and the pizza's yours.

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