Thursday, June 07, 2001

bloody US Open. they're holding it in Tulsa next week, just down the street, so the property management people are tightening security around here , making us wear our badges, giving us parking passes, and closing down most of the entrances to the parking lots (which is really inconvenient. i have to drive a quarter mile more to get to work now, dammit), and having lots of blustering idiots security guards walking around. i understand that they don't want our parking spaces filled with golf fans (who would?), but tightening security in the building? do they fear that someone may sneak in and find out what movie ABC is showing two weeks from Saturday? or are they worried that a rogue golf fan (or Tiger Woods, maybe?) will gain access to an unattended-yet-logged-on computer and change Acorn the Nature Nut's rating from TV-G to TV-PG? or say that it's closed captioned when it's not? egad! the evils they could accomplish here!

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