Wednesday, May 02, 2001

Buffy: they did it. they let Glory suck Tara's brain. not a happy moment. and poor Willow, running to get to Tara, catching glimpses of Gloria just as she starts the sucking, trying to cast a spell but stopped by all the visiters to the multicultural fair until it's too late. damn ethnicity! if everyone on television was white like they were back in the '50s, there wouldn't have been a multicultural fair slowing Willow down. she might have stopped Glory and saved Tara.

on the bright side though, it REALLY pissed Willow off. i've been waiting to see her cut loose on someone and do some magickal ass kicking. go go Willow! she was a little scary though, so i think i'll be nice to witches from now on.

what else happened? Giles gets tough on the hobbit leper (cool); Anya goes all patriotic (not cool), but mostly in a capitalistic way (sorta cool); Spike tells Dawn "stop it. you're not evil" (cool); Spike should look into getting something to cover those bruises (talk to Buffy. i'm sure she has some Maybelline he could use); Glory's a lush ("Mimosa. mmm. vitamins!" i don't think there's a vitamin -OH); got to see Glory doing some evil superpowerful breaking stuff (but i still don't think it was up to Hellgod snuff. i think she's got a lot more to dish out. she's holding back); Xander... was he even in this ep?

and, the episode ended with a major "oh shit!", one we knew was coming but still made me exclaim, as i said, 'oh shit!'. (see, there's a reason we lock insane people away, just so they don't accidently let the cat out to extra-dimensional beings).

Angel: this episode just made me feel sad for Cordelia. the visions, the after-effects of the visions, the goof balls she works with, and her pursuit of an acting career (i can't believe she just took that director's crap!). i felt sad for Wesley (damned fathers). i was a little sad for Gunn (because he let those half-wits give him a good dose of the Guilties. those guys he used to work with need to realize that he probably just doesn't want to work with a bunch of half-wits who, even though there are twenty-five of them, end up with a dead guy or two when they go up against a few vampires. seriously. how many vamps were in the theater at the end of "Disharmony"? around 100? and how many of the Angel Investigations crew died fighting them all? zero? Gunn's better off where he is.

anyway, lots of sadness in Angel last night, not quite off-set by the story with the Host (i love him! i just can't call him that name), and by the goofy-Angel antics (i kinda miss the brooding-Angel). and, at the end, we get a minor exclaimation, "oh crap," vocalized by me and Cordy at the same time.

Extra: here's a brief interview with Amber Benson, which reveals almost nothing about the final episodes of the season, but does talk about the movie she wrote, directed, produced, and even starred in with two other Buffyversers (a certain green-skinned lounge singer, and a currently-bruised blond British vampire).

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